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Configuring work queues

work queue is a set of tasks that can be assigned to a user in a pool of users who have access to the queue.

Once a work queue is defined in NexJ Admin Console, users can use NexJ CRM to assign tasks from the work queue to themselves or, if they have been granted the WorkQueueItemBatchAssign privilege from the Work Queue Batch Assign privilege group, users can assign tasks in the work queue to another user who has access to the queue.

Creating or editing work queues

To create a new work queue or edit an existing work queue:

  1. In NexJ Admin Console, navigate to the Work Queues page.
  2. To edit an existing work queue, select the work queue name and click the Edit button 
     in the Detail area. To create a new work queue, click the Add button 
     at the top of the Work Queues list.
  3. Specify the following basic information for the work queue:
    • Name
    • Description
    • Status (if the status is not set to Active, then you or other users will not be able to add items to the work queue)
  4. In the Security section of the dialog, specify who can create items for this work queue and who can get items from this work queue.
    • Select Public to indicate that all users can create or get items.
    • Select Group and specify a group name to indicate that only the users in that group can create or get items.
  5. In the Rules section of the dialog, specify the rules that control how items in the work queue are selected, marked outstanding, or escalated.
    • In the Item Selection Method field, indicate how items should be pulled from the work queue. To indicate that the earliest added item is pulled first, set to FIFO. To indicate that the user can select which item to pull, set to User's Choice.
    • In the Maximum Outstanding Items per User field, indicate how many outstanding work queue items a user can have, from this work queue.
    • In the Escalation Method for Outstanding Items section, specify how the escalation process should work, both for items specifically assigned from the queue to the user and for unassigned items pulled from the queue by the user. For each type of work queue item:
      • To indicate that the items should not be escalated, select Do Not Escalate. In this case, the task will stay in the user's to-do list indefinitely or until the user releases it.
      • Otherwise, select Escalate After and specify how long an outstanding work queue item should remain in the user's task list. Specify which work queue the escalated item should be added to. For assigned items, you can also specify that the item should be returned to the original queue. Once the work queue item is added to a new work queue, the rules for that work queue apply to the item.
  6. To save the changes, click OK.
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