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Creating a new global environment file

Create a global environment file in order to deploy a published model .jar file. When deploying a model, any published model can use the configurations stored in a global environment file.

Before you can create global environment files, you must ensure that the Global environment folder field is set to an existing folder on your file system. Typically, this is a subfolder of the workspace. For example, if your workspace is C:\nexj_studio\11.\workspace, then the global environment folder would usually be C:\nexj_studio\11.0\workspace\Global\env.

The Global environment folder is set in the NexJ Studio preferences, and it points to an existing folder. The Global environment folder can be set in NexJ Studio from the menu bar by selecting Window → Preferences → NexJ Studio.

Global environment files are used only for published models. If you are developing a model and need to test your model with a local instance, you must use local environment files for the project.

To create a global environment file:

  1. In NexJ Studio, from the menu bar, click Window → Show View → Global Environments to open the Global Environments view.
  2. In the Global Environments view, click the View Menu button
    and then select New Environment.
    The New Environment dialog opens.
  3. Specify a name for the global environment that you are creating and click Finish.

An environment with the name you specified is now listed in the Global Environments tab. Global environment files are available for use with any published model.

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