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Monitoring process queues

Process queues define prioritized queues with optional scheduling windows in which requested reports from users will be processed.

The right side of the Process Queue page in NexJ Admin Console displays information about each process queue.

It contains the following tabs:


The Detail tab allows you to modify the name, description, concurrency, priority, status, approximate timeout, timeout queue, and the day and time for which the queue will run.


The Queue tab allows you to see all jobs currently in the queue. The following information is available:

  • Alias
  • User
  • Report Name
  • Report Parameters
  • Request Time
  • Processing Start Time
  • Elapsed Processing Time
  • Status

A job in a queue can be placed in another queue by clicking Change Queue. It can also be canceled by clicking Cancel.


The History tab allows you to see all reports generated and retry any that have failed. The following information is available:

  • Description
  • Status
  • User who initiated the process
  • Request Time
  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Failed Time if process failed
  • Report Parameters

Creating process queues

You can create a process queue and define settings such as the priority for the queue.

To create a new process queue:

  1. In NexJ Admin Console, navigate to the Process Queue page.
  2. In the Process Queue tab, click the Add button 
     in the Process Queues list. 
    The Create Process Queue dialog opens.
  3. In the Name field, enter a unique name to identify the queue.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description of the queue.
  5. In the Concurrency field, enter how many processes can be generated at one time. This cannot be more than the Global Concurrency value set in the System page in NexJ System Admin Console.
  6. In the Priority field, select from High, Medium, or Low priority relative to other queues.
  7. In the Approximate Timeout field, enter a timeout period in hours, minutes, and seconds. This sets approximately how long a process will run before it times out. Once the process times out, it will either be moved to another queue if there is a value in the Timeout Queue field, or it will appear in the History tab with a status of Canceled.
  8. In the Timeout Queue field, select a second queue in which the process can run if it has timed out in its original queue. The Approximate Timeout field's value for this second queue should be longer than the field's value for the original queue.
    For example, if the Print process queue has the Report process queue as its Timeout Queue value, then the Report process queue should have a longer Approximate Timeout value than the Print process queue.
  9. Select the Weekly checkbox to specify a queue processing schedule. Specify the days, start time, and end time based on a specified time zone for the process to run.
  10. Click OKThe Create Process Queue dialog closes.

The new process queue is added to the Process Queues list.

Setting global process queue concurrency preferences

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