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New features delivered in 22.01

The following features and enhancements were included as part of 22.01.

Campaigns enhancements

This release includes the following enhancements to the Campaigns feature functionality (AFL-7022):

You can now create custom participant statuses for campaign workflows, in addition to using the default statuses.

The two statuses that are used for specific steps in the campaign flow were not updatable prior to this release. You can now update these statuses to reflect your company processes:

  • The default status for all participants when the campaign is in the Planning stage By default, the Targeted status is used.
  • The initial status for all participants when the campaign has started and the campaign stage has changed to In Progress. By default, the Contacted status is used.

These changes can be made on the Customize workspace in the Campaigns tab.

For more information, see the "Campaign workflow templates and participant statuses" topic in end-user documentation.

Security enhancements

This release includes the following security enhancement (ECRM-30956):

  • The Log4j library has been upgraded to 2.17.1 (released by the Apache Software Foundation on December 28, 2021).
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