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Resending object queue messages

You can resend persistent messages to a specific object queue from NexJ System Admin Console. You can resend messages that are blocked or waiting.

When persistent messages complete successfully they are deleted and have no state.

To resend an object queue message:

  1. In NexJ System Admin Console, navigate to the Object Queues page.
  2. Select an object queue from the Object Queues list. In the details zone, select the Messages tab. The list of messages for the selected object queue display in the messages list.
  3. [Optional] If necessary, filter the messages list. For example, filter the list to display only blocked messages.
  4. To resend a message, click the Action button 

     beside the message that you want to resend. In the menu that displays, click Resend.

    To resend multiple messages, select the checkboxes for the messages that you want to resend. Then, in the Actions menu, select Resend. You can use the Select all checkbox at the top of the messages list to select all messages.

    A dialog opens.

  5. In the dialog, select the queue to resend the message on.

    If necessary, instead of retrying the message on the original message queue, consider resending the message on a queue with a different priority, timeout, error count, or concurrency setting.

  6. Click OKThe dialog closes.
    • If messages are resent synchronously, a confirmation message indicates that messages are marked for resending. If any messages fail, another dialog displays the failed messages including the reasons for failure.
    • If messages are resent asynchronously, a confirmation message indicates that messages will be resent asynchronously. If any messages fail, errors descriptions display on the node in which you are currently connected to.
  7. Click OK.

You have resent messages to the object queue.

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