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Setting the application server

The environment file must be configured for the specific application server that is used to deploy the model.

To deploy a model to an application server, you must at least specify the server type, deployment location, administrator user name, and password.

To configure an environment file in NexJ Studio for NexJ Model Server:

  1. Open the environment or server file that you want to edit and click the Overview tab.

  2. Click the Type field and select Generic as the type of server on which the model will be deployed.

  3. In the Deployment Location field, enter the deployment location of the server.
  4. Enter the administrator user name in the Deployment User field and the administrator password in the Password field.
  5. In the Description field, enter a meaningful description of the application server.
  6. Click the Save button
    in the toolbar or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S to save the changes to the environment.

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