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Working with processes

The Process page allows you to keep track of more advanced functions in NexJ applications. For example, and as of the NexJ CRM 9.5 release, you can use the Process page to track the status of the nightly batch job that runs to clean up reminders for tasks and schedule items.

The Process page is useful when trying to find problems occurring in NexJ CRMNexJ Admin Console, and NexJ System Admin Console.

For information about removing redundant processes from the NJProcess table, see Removing redundant processes from the NJProcess table.

You can view a log of all of the processes, their status and time, and any details related to the process on the Process page.

The page is divided into two areas:

  • The Process list, which is a list of all available processes.
  • The Details area, which shows all of the details for the selected process.

Viewing process details

The right side of the Process page displays information about the selected process.

Every process contains the following details:

  • Process number
  • Process name
  • Description
  • Total records to process
  • Number of records currently processed
  • Number of errors
  • Number of warnings
  • Start date and time

Below the Details area, a list of steps within the process is shown. Errors and warnings are identifiable in this section.

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