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New features delivered in

The following features and enhancements were included as part of

Reporting enhancements

This release includes the following enhancements to the ad hoc reporting functionality:

CSV export enhancements

A new method of flattening collection data when a report is exported to CSV was introduced. In addition to previously supported functionality, it is now possible to collapse collection attributes to a single row using a semicolon delimiter (CDM-4728). Your system administrator can control the default behavior for all users in NexJ CRM System Admin Console.

User-configurable report settings

A new Settings tab (which replaces the Schedule tab) was introduced to consolidate advanced end-user facing configuration for a report. All parameters found on the Settings tab are configured and saved on a per-report, per-user basis (CDM-4729).

Configuration related to scheduling report execution can now be found on the Schedule card.

On the Export card, you can select an option that specifies how collection fields for a report will be exported in a CSV file. These options determine if collection fields in an exported CSV file are expanded to multiple rows, and whether common fields are repeated, or whether collection fields are collapsed to a single row using a delimiter. When you select an option, your selection will overwrite the default settings in NexJ CRM System Admin Console.

For more information, see "Ad hoc reports" in the end-user documentation.

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