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Configuring NexJ Add-In for Microsoft Office using the registry editor

If you did not configure NexJ Add-In during command-line installation, it will need to be configured for your system.

Application administrators use the registry editor to control how NexJ Add-In connects to NexJ CRM and how it behaves in Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Word.

To configure basic connection and login settings, and to control the inclusion of attachments and the removal of boilerplate text from emails saved to NexJ CRM, use the NexJ CRM Options dialog. You can access it in Outlook or Word from the Home tab, the Add-Ins tab, or the NexJ menu, depending on the version of your Microsoft Office application.

Configuring NexJ Add-In using the registry editor

You can configure NexJ Add-In using the Windows registry editor. To change configuration options using the registry editor:

  1. In the Windows Start menu, click in the search field, type regedit, and press Enter. If a confirmation dialog appears asking if you want to allow this program to make changes to your computer, click Yes.

  2. For options not included by default during installation, add new keys to the correct directory in the registry editor with the required values. For any options that are included by default where you want to change the default settings, double-click the name of the key and change the value. There are two registry key directories; one to change the options in Outlook and one to change the options in both Outlook and Word. To locate these directories:

    • Registry Editor > Computer > HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > NexJ > Office Add-In

    • Registry Editor > Computer > HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > NexJ > Outlook

Registry keys for NexJ Add-In for Microsoft Office

Registry keys are used with NexJ Add-In for Microsoft Office to assign permissions and configuration options to specific users. Use the Type/directory column of the following table to determine the correct directory name for each key.

Registry keys for NexJ Add-In for Microsoft Office

Key nameType/directoryPossible values


Additional Scheme code used when querying NexJ CRM.
The value is in the following format:
Additional Scheme code used when querying NexJ CRM.
The value is in the following format:
Additional Scheme code used when querying NexJ CRM.
The value is in the following format:



Additional Scheme code used when querying NexJ CRM.
The value is in the following format:


Additional Scheme code used when querying NexJ CRM.
The value is in the following format:


Additional Scheme code used when querying NexJ CRM.
The value is in the following format:

For example, to limit the search to only contacts who are clients, enter (@ isClient)|true


Additional Scheme code used when querying NexJ CRM.
The value is in the following format:

For example, to limit the search to only email addresses readable by the user, enter (@ readable)|true
Additional Scheme code used when querying NexJ CRM.
The value is in the following format:
Additional Scheme code used when querying NexJ CRM.
The value is in the following format:
Additional Scheme code used when querying NexJ CRM.
The value is in the following format:
Additional Scheme code used when querying NexJ CRM.
The value is in the following format:
Additional Scheme code used when querying NexJ CRM.
The value is in the following format:
Additional Scheme code used when querying NexJ CRM.
The value is in the following format:



Additional Scheme code used when querying NexJ CRM.
The value is in the following format:

Additional Scheme code used when querying NexJ CRM.
The value is in the following format:
Additional Scheme code used when querying NexJ CRM.
The value is in the following format:
Additional Scheme code used when querying NexJ CRM.
The value is in the following format:
Additional Scheme code used when querying NexJ CRM.
The value is in the following format:

1 - Users who carry out the Save, Follow Up, File With, or View Contact actions in Microsoft Outlook are prompted to create new contacts for any email addresses that do not exist in NexJ CRM (default).

When this registry key is set to 1, you can use the ShowCompanyInAddContact and RequireCompanyInAddContact registry keys to enable users to associate a company with the contact being added, and to indicate whether specifying the company is optional or mandatory.

0 - Email addresses that do not exist in NexJ CRM are skipped. The user receives a report of all email addresses skipped in this way.


1 - Users who are using the Add to NexJ CRM functionality can edit the email address for the contact they are adding in the Select contacts to add to NexJ CRM dialog (default).

0 - Users who are using the Add to NexJ CRM functionality cannot edit the email address for the contact they are adding.


This value is only valid if the InsuranceConfiguration registry key is set to 1.

1 - Users can search based on an insurance application's For and Number fields (default).

0 - Users cannot search based on insurance application values.


This value is only valid if the InsuranceConfiguration registry key is set to 1.

1 - Users can search based on a billing account's For and Number fields (default).

0 - Users cannot search based on billing account values.


Work with your NexJ service representative to ensure you are using this setting correctly.

1 - Users can search based on a branch's Name and ID fields (default).

0 - Users cannot search based on branch values. All branches are included in the branch selection list.

The Branch selection dialog only appears if the ShowBranchPicker registry key is set to 1.


This value is only valid if the InsuranceConfiguration registry key is set to 1.

1 - Users can search based on a claim's For and Number fields (default).

0 - Users cannot search based on claim values.


This value is only valid if the InsuranceConfiguration registry key is set to 1.

1 - Users can search based on a policy's For and Number fields (default).

0 - Users cannot search based on policy values.


This value is only valid if the InsuranceConfiguration registry key is set to 1.

1 - Users can search based on a quote's For and Number fields (default).

0 - Users cannot search based on quote values.


Office Add-In

1 - Enables attachment and attachment filter preferences in the Options and Advanced Options dialogs (default).

0 - Disables attachment and attachment filter preferences in the Options and Advanced Options dialogs.

Pattern used to match boilerplate text and remove it. For example, you can remove a signature line.

Work with your NexJ service representative to ensure you are using this setting correctly.

The name of the first column in the Branch selection dialog. If not specified, the default value is Name.

The Branch selection dialog only appears if the ShowBranchPicker registry key is set to 1.


Work with your NexJ service representative to ensure you are using this setting correctly.

The name of the second column in the Branch selection dialog. If not specified, the default value is ID.

The Branch selection dialog only appears if the ShowBranchPicker registry key is set to 1.


Work with your NexJ service representative to ensure you are using this setting correctly.

The customized labels that will appear as the title of the Branch selection dialog and on the field that opens the dialog. For example, Agency. If not specified, the default label is Branch.

The Branch selection dialog only appears if the ShowBranchPicker registry key is set to 1.


1 - Causes the save commands (File With, Save to NexJ, and Create Follow-Up) in the NexJ Add-In to search both the Microsoft Outlook Contact and Suggested Contact lists for all emails in the To field, and to add any new email addresses to the Suggested Contact list.

0 - Stops the NexJ Add-In save commands from searching or adding to the Suggested Contact list in Microsoft Outlook (default).

Office Add-In

1 - Initializes the Due Date checkbox to a selected state when users create follow-ups in NexJ Add-In.

0 - Initializes the Due Date checkbox to a cleared state when users create follow-ups in NexJ Add-In (default).

Office Add-In

This registry key name is reserved for future use. Please do not use it without consulting your NexJ service representative.

Office Add-In

Work with your NexJ service representative to ensure you are using this setting correctly.

1 - Use the NexJ CRM version number to determine appropriate NexJ Add-In functionality, regardless of the values of UseJadeModel or UseRubyModel registry keys.

0 - Use the UseJadeModel or UseRubyModel registry key to determine the appropriate NexJ Add-In functionality (default).

Support for this functionality is only available in the following versions of NexJ CRM:

  • and any later releases
  • 8.2.1.X
  • 8.3.1.X
  • and any later hotfixes
  • and any later hotfixes or service packs

If this functionality is not supported in your version of NexJ CRM, continue using the UseRubyModel and UseJadeModel registry keys, in consultation with your NexJ service representative.


1 - Enables the Existing Contact column in the Select contacts to add to NexJ CRM dialog. If an email address is not recognized as belonging to a contact, a user can associate the email address with an existing contact in NexJ CRM, instead of creating a new contact.

0 - Disables the Existing Contact column in the Select contacts to add to NexJ CRM dialog and the ability to associate an unrecognized email address with an existing contact (default).


1 - When saving an email to NexJ CRM using the File With command, the text of the email cannot be edited in the NexJ Office Add-In File With dialog.

0 - You can edit the emails in the NexJ Office Add-In File With dialog before saving (default).


Office Add-In

Affects the search behavior when using a simple string to search for contacts in the NexJ Office Add-In. A simple string can include the * wildcard, but not spaces or commas.

1 - A simple string is interpreted as being part of either the first or last name of a contact, and both fields are searched.

0 - A simple string is interpreted as being part of the last name of a contact (default).



1 - When a user selects one or more Outlook items that are not email messages, the NexJ Add-In buttons in the Outlook ribbon are automatically disabled and prevent the user from taking any actions (default).

2 - NexJ Add-In buttons in the Outlook ribbon are always enabled, even when a user selects one or more Outlook items that are not email messages. If the user attempts to perform an action, an error message is displayed.


Office Add-In

1 - In certain specific versions of Outlook, ensures that both the email subject and the email body are spellchecked as required before the email message is sent or saved to NexJ CRM.

0 - In most versions of Outlook, this registry key should be disabled, because the automatic spellcheck invoked by NexJ Add-In appropriately checks the spelling of both the email subject and the email body (default).

List of attachments to exclude from saving to NexJ CRM. Wildcard characters are supported. Examples: copyright.txt, *.jpg, *.exe, etc.

1 - The File With function will not prepopulate the For field with any contacts who also have user records. A message will appear under the For field when a contact is not included. Refer to the following registry key for information on how to customize this message:

0 - The File With function will prepopulate the For field with all contacts, including those who also have user records (default).


Use this registry key only if PrepopulateUsersInForField is set to 1.

1 - The File With function will not prepopulate the For field with any users who also have contact records. A message will appear under the For field when a user is not included. Refer to the following registry key for information on how to customize this message:

0 - The File With function will prepopulate the For field with all users, including those who also have contact records (default).


When the ExcludeUsersWhoAreContacts or the ExcludeContactsWhoAreUsers registry key is set to true, this key allows customization of the first 135 characters in the default message.

The default customizable message is The following email addresses were filtered: followed by the stripped email addresses and Please confirm the list before saving.


The ProgId of the add-in to which the control of the mail item should be passed after the user invokes the NexJ Add-In functionality. The mail item will be saved to NexJ CRM and then continue to be processed by the add-in specified in this registry key.

One of the ExternalAddinSaveMethod or ExternalAddinSendMethod registry keys must also be specified to identify which method to invoke within the external add-in.


The method to invoke when passing control of the mail item to an external add-in as specified in the ExternalAddinProgId registry key. This method is invoked after the user-invoked function within the NexJ Add-In completes.

When this key and ExternalAddinProgId are set, all emails that are successfully saved to NexJ CRM are passed to the ExternalAddinSaveMethod method within the ExternalAddinProgId add-in.

The method that you specify must accept data according to the following signature: (int context, Outlook.MailItem[] mail). The context value for a given email will take on one of the following values, depending on the button that was used to send the mail:

0 - Save to NexJ CRM
1 - File With
2 - Create Follow-up
3 - Send & Save
4 - Send & File With


Use this registry key only if UseOutlookSendButton is set to 1.

The name of the public method in the add-in defined in the ExternalAddinProgId registry key. This method will be called after the user invokes the NexJ Send & Save or Send & File With functionality and the mail item is saved to NexJ CRM.


1 - Hide the Type column in the Contact Viewer dialog.

0 - Display the Type column in the Contact Viewer dialog, to indicate whether the listed email address belongs to a user, contact, household, or company (default).


Use this registry key only if AllowAddContact is set to 1.

1 - Enables support for rep code security and permits specifying rep codes for newly added contacts.

0 - Disables rep code security support (default).


1 - When filing an email to NexJ CRM or viewing contact details, do not automatically include contacts whose email addresses appear in the Cc and Bcc fields.

0 - When filing an email to NexJ CRM or viewing contact details, include contacts whose email addresses appear in the Cc and Bcc fields (default).


1 - Users who carry out the File With or Follow Up actions in Microsoft Outlook will have their email addresses added automatically to the For field if the address matches a contact in NexJ CRM.

0 - Users' email addresses are not automatically added to the For field (default).


1 - Users can associate related policies and billing accounts when they carry out the Follow Up and File With actions in Microsoft Outlook.

0 - Users cannot associate related policies and billing accounts when they carry out the Follow up and File With actions (default).


1 - Boilerplate removal pattern uses regular expressions.

0 - Boilerplate removal pattern uses simple wildcard characters (default).

Office Add-In

1 - Use HTTPS (default).

0 - Use HTTP.

Work with your NexJ service representative to ensure you are using this setting correctly.

1 - Displays additional debugging information in the Windows Events Viewer.

0 - Displays minimal event logging information in the Windows Events Viewer (default).

Office Add-In

The long product name. Default is NexJ Contact. This is a localized name. See the ShortProductName registry key for more information.

If you are customizing the product name in your installation of NexJ CRM, ensure that you update both ShortProductName and LongProductName registry keys.

The maximum size of each email attachment that will be saved to NexJ CRM from Microsoft Outlook. If the attachment size is greater than this limit, the attachment will not be saved.
The maximum number of search results shown in the NexJ Address Book. '0' returns all results. If not specified, the default value is 200.
Office Add-In

Port number to use. Default is 80 for non-secure connections and 443 for secure connections.

Office Add-In

Login password to use to connect to the proxy application server if SSO is not being used.

This registry key cannot be set up by the installer. It must be specified either in the NexJ Settings dialog or by using the registry editor.

Office Add-In

Port number to use to connect to the proxy application server. Default is 80 for non-secure connections and 443 for secure connections.

Office Add-In
The host name and server path of the application server running NexJ CRM.
Office Add-In
Login name to use to connect to the proxy application server if SSO is not being used.
Office Add-In
Host name of the application server to connect to.
Office Add-In
The value will be used to construct the following URL: http(s):// NexJServer/NexJ ServerPath /{soap|text}.
Office Add-In
Only use when configuring the Add-In to work with a NexJ Cloud implementation of NexJ CRM.
Specifies the OAuth path. The specific path to use can be obtained from your NexJ representative


Office Add-In

Only use when configuring the Add-In to work with a NexJ Cloud implementation of NexJ CRM.
Specifies the OAuth realm value. The specific value to use can be obtained from your NexJ representative.
Office Add-In
Only use when configuring the Add-In to work with a NexJ Cloud implementation of NexJ CRM.
Specifies the OAuth ClientID value. The specific path to use can be obtained from your NexJ representative
Office Add-In
The string to use in reference to opportunities. Default is Opportunity. This is a localized value. See the entry for ShortProductName for more information on how to configure values for different locales.

1 - When saving an email to NexJ CRM, prepopulate the For field with contacts, households, and companies associated with the email addresses in the email (default).

0 - When saving an email to NexJ CRM, do not prepopulate the For field with contacts, households, or companies.

Office Add-In

1 - When saving an email to NexJ CRM, prepopulate the RepCode filter with any RepCodes present in the user's currently-active filter in NexJ CRM.

0 - Take no special action (default).



1 - When saving an email to NexJ CRM, prepopulate the For field with users associated with the email addresses in the email.

0 - When saving an email to NexJ CRM, do not prepopulate the For field with users associated with the email addresses in the email (default).

RemoveOutlookUserEmailFrom ContactLookupREG_DWORD

1 - When saving an email to NexJ CRM, verify that the Outlook user's email address matches a user email address in NexJ CRM (default).

0 - When saving an email to NexJ CRM, do not verify whether the Outlook user's email address matches a user email address in NexJ CRM. Use this option if NexJ Add-In users in your organization do not have email addresses added to their records.

Office Add-In

Used with RestrictEntitySearchByRepCode. Controls whether a RepCode will be required before allowing a search for contacts during a File With action.

1 - Requires the user to specify a RepCode before a search for contacts available for the For field will take place.

0 - Do not require a RepCode to be specified before searching for available contacts. (default)


1 - When a user is forwarding or replying to an email, allow them to see and use NexJ commands from the ribbon in the Outlook Reading Pane, without opening the message in a new window (default).

0 - Hide NexJ commands from the Outlook Reading Pane. Only allow users to use NexJ commands when the reply or forward message has been opened in a new window.


Use this registry key only if ShowCompanyInAddContact and AllowAddContact are both set to 1.

1 - In the Select contacts to add to NexJ CRM dialog, include a Select Company link that requires the user to specify which company the new contact should be associated with. If the user does not specify a company to be associated with the new user, the user will not be able to add the contact to NexJ CRM.

0 - Do not require the user to associate a contact with a company when adding a contact to NexJ CRM using the Select contacts to add to NexJ CRM dialog (default).

Office Add-In

1 - When a user is saving an email to NexJ CRM or creating a follow-up task, they can restrict the contacts, companies, or households that are displayed in the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog based on a rep code. When a user specifies a rep code in the Filter field in the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog, only the contacts, companies, or households associated with that rep code are displayed.

0 - When a user is saving an email to NexJ CRM or creating a follow-up task, the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog does not display the Filter field. All available contacts, companies, or households are displayed, regardless of rep code (default).

Office Add-In

1 - When a user is saving an email to NexJ CRM or creating a follow-up task, they can restrict the contacts, companies, or households that are displayed in the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog based on a split rep code. When a user specifies a split rep code in the Filter field in the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog, only the contacts, companies, or households associated with that split rep code are displayed.

0 - When a user is saving an email to NexJ CRM or creating a follow-up task, the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog does not display the Filter field. All available contacts, companies, or households are displayed, regardless of split rep code (default).


1 - When creating a follow-up task, save the attachments to NexJ CRM. This differs from the SaveEmailWithTask, which saves both the original email and its attachments.

0 - When creating a follow-up task, do not include the attachments (default).


1 - Save email as a .msg attachment in NexJ CRM (default).

0 - Do not save email as a .msg attachment.


1 - When creating a follow-up task, save the email and its attachments to NexJ CRM (default). This differs from SaveAttachmentsWithFollowUp, which saves only the attachments, and not the email.

0 - When creating a follow-up task, do not include the email or its attachments.


Office Add-In

The short product name. Default is NexJ. This is a localized name. One language per line. For example:
fr=NexJ en français

The two-letter language code should be in the ISO 639-1 format. The French name will be used if French is the default Windows language. If the appropriate translated name is not found in this key, the English name is used.

If you are customizing the product name in your installation of NexJ CRM, update both ShortProductName and LongProductName registry keys.


On most dialog labels in NexJ Add-In, the dialog label contains the value of the ShortProductName registry key (for example, "NexJ") followed by the additional text "Add-In for Microsoft Office". Use this key to control whether this additional text appears on dialog labels.

1 - Do not remove the "Add-In for Microsoft Office" text from dialog labels (default).

0 - Remove the "Add-In for Microsoft Office" text from dialog labels.


1 - In the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog, shows the Companies tab (default).

0 - In the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog, hides the Companies tab.


1 - In the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog, shows the Contact tab (default).

0 - In the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog, hides the Contact tab.


1 - In the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog, shows the Households tab (default).

0 - In the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog, hides the Households tab.


Office Add-In

1 - Shows the Advanced Options dialog and allows the user to make changes in it (default).

0 - Hides the Advanced Options dialog and prevents the user from making changes in it.


Work with your NexJ service representative to ensure you are using this setting correctly.

1 - Allows users to filter contacts when using the Create Follow-Up or File With functionality to save an activity to the contact record and includes a new field in the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog. This field opens a selection dialog that allows the user to select or search for a branch or another criteria to narrow the contact search results.

0 - Does not allow users to filter contacts in the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog.

By default, the contacts are filtered by branch; the label of the filter field and of the dialog is opens refers to "branch"; and the two columns in this dialog are Name and ID. To control the appearance and behavior of the new filter field and dialog, use the following registry keys:

  • BranchPickerCustomLabel
  • BranchPickerColumnOne
  • BranchPickerColumnTwo

1 - Shows the Campaign link in the Save to NexJ CRM, File With, and Create Follow-Up dialogs, as well as the custom toolbar for calendar items and tasks (default).

0 - Hides the Campaign link.


Use this registry key only if AllowAddContact is set to 1.

1 - In the Select Contact to add to NexJ CRM dialog, include a Select Company link that allows the user to specify which company the new contact should be associated with. To make the company association mandatory for any contact being added to NexJ CRM, set the RequireCompanyInAddContact registry key to 1.

0 - Do not allow the user to associate a contact with a company when adding a contact to NexJ CRM using the Select Contact to add to NexJ CRM dialog (default).


1 - Shows the Create Follow-Up button in all instances within Outlook (default).

0 - Hides the Create Follow-Up button in all instances within Outlook.


Do not use this registry key if any of the following keys are set to 1: UseJadeModel, UseRubyModel, DetectApplicationVersion.

1 - Shows the Event link in the custom toolbar for calendar items and tasks (default).

0 - Hides the Event link.


1 - Shows the File With and Send & File With buttons in all instances within Outlook (default).

0 - Hides the File With button in all instances within Outlook.


Do not use this registry key if any of the following keys are set to 1: UseJadeModel, UseRubyModel, DetectApplicationVersion.

1 - Shows the Funds link in the Save to NexJ CRM, File With, Show Related Items, and Create Follow-Up dialogs, as well as the custom toolbar for calendar items and tasks.

0 - Hides the Funds link (default).

Office Add-In

1 - Shows the NexJ Merge Field feature in Microsoft Word (default).

0 - Hides the NexJ Merge Field feature in Microsoft Word.


1 - Do not include users in the list of contacts available for For or Assign To fields. The list of contacts is accessed in the Contact tab in the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog.

0 - Include both users and contacts in the Contact tab in the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog (default).


1 - Include only users in the list of contacts available for For or Assign To fields. The list of contacts is accessed in the Contact tab in the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog.

0 - Include both users and contacts in the Contact tab in the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog (default).


Do not use this registry key if any of the following keys are set to 1: UseJadeModel, UseRubyModel, DetectApplicationVersion.

1 - Shows the Opportunity link in the Save to NexJ CRM, File With, and Create Follow-Up dialogs, as well as the custom toolbar for calendar items and tasks (default).

0 - Hides the Opportunity link.

Office Add-In

1 - Shows the Options dialog and allows the user to make changes in it (default).

0 - Hides the Options dialog and prevents the user from making changes in it.


Do not use this registry key if any of the following keys are set to 1: UseJadeModel, UseRubyModel, DetectApplicationVersion.

1 - Shows the Products link in the Save to NexJ CRM, File With, Show Related Items, and Create Follow-Up dialogs, as well as the custom toolbar for calendar items and tasks (default).

0 - Hides the Products link.


To use this registry key, ensure that the Enable Related Info Notes user option for the user is set using the NexJ Admin Console.

1 - In tasks or schedule items in Microsoft Outlook, shows and synchronizes the information that appears in the Related tab for the task or schedule item in NexJ CRM.

0 - Hides the related information for tasks or schedule items (default).


1 - Shows the Save to NexJ CRM and Send & Save buttons in all instances in Outlook (default).

0 - Hides the Save to NexJ CRM and Send & Save buttons in all instances in Outlook.

Office Add-In

1 - Shows the Security button in the Save Email to NexJ CRM dialog. The Security button opens the NexJ CRM Security dialog, which allows the user to specify the security for the email in NexJ CRM.

0 - Hides the Security button in the Save Email to NexJ CRM dialog (default).

If your security model has been customized, contact your system administrator to ensure that NexJ CRM has been configured to interact appropriately with the NexJ Add-In.


1 - Shows the Send & File With button when sending a reply or creating a new message in Outlook (default).

0 - Hides the Send & File With button when sending a reply or creating a new message in Outlook.This registry key is ignored if ShowFileWith is set to 0.


1 - Shows the Send & Save button when sending a reply or creating a new message in Outlook (default).

0 - Hides the Send & Save button when sending a reply or creating a new message in Outlook.This registry key is ignored if ShowSave is set to 0.

Office Add-In

1 - Shows the NexJ CRM Settings dialog in Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Word to allow each user to change the configuration of the application server running NexJ CRM (default).

0 - Hides the NexJ CRM Settings dialog in Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Word.


1 - Shows the Service Request link in Save to NexJ CRM, File With, and Create Follow-Up dialogs, as well as the custom toolbar for calendar items and tasks (default).

0 - Hides the Service Request link.


1 - Shows a list of touch types in the Save Email to NexJ CRM dialog.

0 - Hides the list of touch types in the Save Email to NexJ CRM dialog (default).


Office Add-In

Work with your NexJ service representative to ensure you are using this setting correctly.

1 - Shows the complete stack trace of an error as part of a NexJ Add-In error message, instead of just a brief error description.

0 - Shows only the brief error description in a NexJ Add-In error message (default).


1 - When accessing the list of contacts available for For or Assign To fields, shows an additional Users tab in the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog. Setting ShowNoUsersInContactPicker to 1 allows you to have a tab with contacts only and a tab with users only.

0 - Hides the additional Users tab in the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog (default).


1 - The Contact Viewer dialog displays the users, contacts, households, and companies associated with the email addresses in the email or schedule item (default).

0 - The Contact Viewer dialog does not display users associated with the email addresses in the email or schedule item. It displays only contacts, households, and companies.


1 - Shows the View Contact button in all instances in Outlook (default).

0 - Hides the View Contact button in all instances in Outlook.


1 - In the Contact Viewer dialog, shows the contact's company (default).

0 - In the Contact Viewer dialog, hides the contact's company.


1 - In the Contact Viewer dialog, shows the contact's department (default).

0 - In the Contact Viewer dialog, hides the contact's department.


1 - In the Contact Viewer dialog, shows the contact's household (default).

0 - In the Contact Viewer dialog, hides the contact's household.


Use this registry key only if UseOutlookSendButton is set to 1.

If the Always check spelling before sending Outlook option is enabled, the spell check is activated as soon as the user clicks the Send & Save or Send & File With button.

If you are not using the NexJ send command, it is possible that the non-NexJ send command also activates the spell check, and the spell check dialog appears twice. In this case, use this registry key to prevent the Send & Save or Send & File With button from activating the spell check before sending the email.

1 - Clicking the Send & Save button or the Send & File With button does not immediately activate the spell check, if the Always check spelling before sending Outlook option is enabled. Instead, the spell check is activated once the send command is issued.

0 - Clicking the Send & Save button or the Send & File With button immediately activates the spell check, if the Always check spelling before sending Outlook option is enabled (default).

Office Add-In
Number of milliseconds to wait when the user clicks Test Login. Default is 5000 ms.
Office Add-In
Number of milliseconds to wait before timing out. Default is 60000 ms.
Office Add-In

Do not use this registry key if any of the following keys are set to 1: UseJadeModel, UseRubyModel, DetectApplicationVersion.This value should only be used if your application is configured for capital markets.

1 - Enables the Save and File With functions to work with sectors and tickers.

0 - Ignores sector and ticker information (default).


This value is only valid if InsuranceConfiguration is set to 1.

1 - Automatically use the contact IDs from the For field to search for insurance applications. If users enter their own search parameters, the contact ID is added as an OR term.

0 - Do not use the contact IDs from the For field to search for insurance applications (default).


This value is only valid if InsuranceConfiguration is set to 1.

1 - Automatically use the contact IDs from the For field to search for billing accounts. If users enter their own search parameters, the contact ID is added as an OR term.

0 - Do not use the contact IDs from the For field to search for billing accounts (default).


This value is only valid if InsuranceConfiguration is set to 1.

1 - Automatically use the contact IDs from the For field to search for claims. If users enter their own search parameters, the contact ID is added as an OR term.

0 - Do not use the contact IDs from the For field to search for claims (default).


This value is only valid if InsuranceConfiguration is set to 1.

1 - Automatically use the contact IDs from the For field to search for policies. If users enter their own search parameters, the contact ID is added as an OR term.

0 - Do not use the contact IDs from the For field to search for policies (default).


This value is only valid if InsuranceConfiguration is set to 1.

1 - Automatically use the contact IDs from the For field to search for quotes. If users enter their own search parameters, the contact ID is added as an OR term.

0 - Do not use the contact IDs from the For field to search for quotes (default).


1 - Set to 1 if you are calling an external add-in that was created in VisualStudio 2013 or later, or if it is otherwise required for compatibility purposes. Work with your NexJ service representative if you suspect you need to use this setting.

0 - Recommended for most clients (default).


By default, when you create a task or schedule item in Microsoft Outlook, if the email address of the task participant or meeting attendee is associated with a contact in NexJ CRM, the task or schedule item will be added to the contact's record in NexJ CRM during synchronization.

However, you can identify email addresses to exclude from synchronization, so that the contacts with which they are associated do not have the task or schedule item automatically added to their record in NexJ CRM. You can create this email blacklist in NexJ Admin Console, on the Synchronization screen, in the Global Exchange Synchronization Options dialog, in the Contact Email Blacklist tab.

1 - Use the email blacklist functionality to identify email addresses to exclude from synchronization.

0 - Add the task or schedule item to the contact's record in NexJ CRM during synchronization (default).


1 - Enable users to add a Microsoft Outlook classification when saving an email to NexJ CRM. All classifications included in the user's Microsoft Outlook are supported and will be included with the email in the contact's record.

To enable this functionality, the application administrator also needs to use the NexJ Admin Console to add the classifications to NexJ CRM. In the Enumerations page, select the EMAILCLASSIFICATION enumeration and ensure that the Values tab contains all required values.

0 - Do not enable email classification (default).

Office Add-In
Work with your NexJ service representative to ensure you are using this setting correctly.
Office Add-In

If you are using NexJ CRM version 7.x, ensure that this registry key is set to 1.

1 - When saving Outlook items to NexJ CRM, hides the fields for related events and funds. Updates how related products and opportunities are handled in version 7.x.

0 - When saving Outlook items to NexJ CRM, shows the fields for related events and funds. Maintains compatibility of related product and opportunity handling with versions prior to version 7.x (default).

Office Add-In

Work with your NexJ service representative to ensure you are using this setting correctly.


1 - Shows the default NexJ Add-In images for all buttons in Outlook (default).

0 - Hides the default NexJ Add-In images for all buttons in Outlook, showing only the button names.


1 - When filing received emails with NexJ CRM, use only the email address in the From field to identify the contact that you want to file the email with.

0 – When filing received emails with NexJ CRM, use the email addresses in the From and To fields to identify the contacts you want to file the email with. In addition, if IgnoreCCandBCCFields registry key is set to 0, use the email addresses in Cc and Bcc fields to identify the contacts you want to file received emails with (default).


If this registry key is set to 1, you must set the ExternalAddinProgId and ExternalAddinSendMethod registry keys to avoid unexpected errors.

1 - Instead of using the NexJ Add-In send command, pass the mail item to another add-in for processing. For example, the client system may have additional add-ins, such as encryption or email validation, which should be invoked before the item is sent. Use the ExternalAddinProgId and ExternalAddinSendMethod registry keys to specify which add-in and which public method in the add-in should be used to process the mail item.

0 - Use the NexJ Add-In send command (default).

Office Add-In

1 - Use a proxy application server.

0 - Do not use a proxy application server (default).

Office Add-In

If you are using NexJ CRM version 8.0 or later, ensure that this registry key is set to 1.

Ability to associate tickers with email messages or tasks is only available if the UseCapitalMarkets registry key is set to 1.

1 - When saving Outlook items to NexJ CRM, enables the ticker functionality.

0 - When saving Outlook items to NexJ CRM, disables the ticker functionality (default).

Setting this key to 1 also sets the UseJadeModel registry key to 1.

Office Add-In

1 - Use SSO (default).

0 - Do not use SSO. User name and password must be entered by user.

Office Add-In

1 - When you create a follow-up task, use the same customized task priority levels that you use in NexJ CRM.

0 - Use the default task priority levels (A, B, and C) (default).

Office Add-In
Login name to use if SSO is not being used.
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