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Enabling notifications

notification is a message that alerts a user to changes to information in NexJ CRM that are relevant to them. Notifications display for users in the notifications stream, the Recent Unread Notifications list, and in email.

You enable notification features by assigning privileges to users and by enabling application features and user options. You must also configure an HTTP connection for email notifications by modifying the environment file in NexJ Studio.

Privileges for notifications

The following privilege groups grant administrative privileges and enable notifications for users. You can assign the privilege groups to users or user groups.

Privilege groups required for notifications

Privilege name


rules:gRuleAdminA group of privileges that grants full administrative privileges to notifiications.
ManageUnsubscribedNotificationsAllows the user access to the Turned off notifications tab on the Customize workspace.
rules:gRuleUserA group of privileges that determines whether a user can receive notifications and conversations.
NotificationsManageAllows the user to view notifications, mark notifications as read, clear notifications, and execute quick responses from notifications.
NotificationsViewAllows the user to view notifications in the notifications stream.

Application features for notifications

The following application feature allows users to add actions to notifications that create batch tasks or documents. You can enable or disable the feature for the system.

Application features for notifications

GroupSystem settingDescription
NotificationsBatch NotificationEnables batch task and document creation notifications

User options for notifications

The following user options enable delivery of notifications by email, specify whether users can add recipients to schedule items and tasks that created from a notification, and specify whether notifications are restricted by the coverage region for the user related to a notification.

User options for notifications

User optionDescription
Enable Notifications by EmailEnables delivery of notifications to the email address associated with a user.
Enable Recipient Screen When Notification Rule SatisfiedEnables the recipient dialog for schedule items and tasks when a notification rule is triggered. If this user option is disabled, notifications are sent without the option to add or remove recipients.
Enable Regions for NotificationsEnables restricting delivery of notifications to users who belong to the same coverage region as the user who creates or modifies the item for which a notification is sent.

HTTP connections for notifications

You must also configure an HTTP connection for email notifications by modifying the environment file in NexJ Studio. For more information on configuring an HTTP connection, see Configuring an HTTP connection.

Configuring privilege groups
Enabling application features
User options

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