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Supported user roles and their capabilities

NexJ CRM supports the advisor, assistant, and business administrator

 Wealth Management-specific user roles out-of-the box for Cloud-based deployments. If you use these user roles, you don't need to configure privileges for them as the privileges are already provided in NexJ Admin Console. You can also create your own user roles using NexJ Admin Console.

The following list defines each user role:

  • Advisor - Financial advisors who use NexJ CRM to strengthen trusted relationships and deliver personalized service.
  • Assistant - Users who support financial advisors. For example, an assistant can be granted access to a financial advisor's calendar to respond to meeting invitations when the advisor is away on vacation.
  • Business administrator - Users who manage information that users access in NexJ CRM. They gather business requirements and configure the application (for example, they configure rules, custom fields, coverage groups, templates, and so on). They also can prepare contact data and import it to a staging area in NexJ CRM.

In the following sections, "All" refers to advisors, assistants, and business administrators.


Only business administrators 

have full access to NexJ Admin Console out-of-the-box and can perform the following tasks:

  • Create and edit users (including privilege assignment and data entitlements) on the User page
  • Activate, deactivate, and reactivate users on the User page
  • Define your organization hierarchy on the Organization Security page (including rep codes, branches, divisions, and subFirms)
  • Configure entities on the Entities Codes page (including entity types, hierarchy roles, communication types, address types, categories, custom field types, lists, and badges)
  • Configure document types and templates on the Document Codes page (including activity templates, contact center templates, document types, document templates, merge fields, and badges)
  • Configure user coverage on the Coverage page

Contact management

The following capabilities are provided out-of-the-box:

CapabilityUser roles

Search contacts, companies, and households

Search results will only retrieve data that the user has access to.

Views contacts, companies, and households hierarchiesAll
View contacts, companies, and households details (includes banner, Summary tab and Detail tab)All
Created, edit, and delete contacts, companies, and households (includes editing profile attributes, Bio information, addresses, communications, custom fields, categories, user fields and lists)All
Activate or deactivate contacts, companies, and householdsAll
When creating contacts, companies, and households, set the Rep CodeAll
Create public user-defined filters

Business administrators 

Create private user-defined filtersAll
Create, edit, and delete public saved filters

Business administrators 

Create, edit, and delete private saved filtersAll
Batch print personalized birthday mailers for clientsAll


The following capabilities are provided out-of-the-box on the Customize workspace:

CapabilityUser roles
View categories in the Categories tabAll
Create, edit, and delete categories in the Categories tab

Business administrators 

View client coverage groups in the Client Coverage Groups tabAll
Create, edit, and delete client coverage groups in the Client Coverage Groups tab

Business administrators 

View custom fields in the Custom Fields tabAll
Create, edit, and delete custom fields in the Custom Fields tab

Business administrators 

View filters and lists in the Filters and lists tabAll
Create, edit, and delete public filters and lists in the Filters and lists tab

Business administrators 

View opportunity coverage groups in the Coverage Groups subtab in the Opportunity Management tabAll
Create, edit, and delete opportunity coverage groups in the Coverage Groups subtab in the Opportunity Management tab

Business administrators 

View opportunity templates in the Templates subtab in the Opportunity Management tabAll
Created, edit, and delete opportunity templates in the Templates subtab in the Opportunity Management tab

Business administrators 

View opportunity products in the Products tabAll
Create, edit, and delete opportunity products in the Products tab

Business administrators 

Activate or deactivate rules in the Rules tab

Business administrators 

Manage tasks in the Task Management tabAll
Manage turned off notifications in the Turned Off Notifications tab

Business administrators 

Interaction management

All users can create, edit, delete, and view the following activities out-of-the-box:

  • Meetings
  • Documents
  • Tasks
  • Call records

In the My Contacts' Recent Activities tab on the Home workspace, all users can view a data table of activities for contacts that they have been assigned coverage for. They can modify the properties of a selected activity in the data table or mark the activity as complete.

Opportunity management

The following capabilities are provided out-of-the-box to all users:

  • Search for opportunities

    A search will only retrieve data that the user has access to.

  • Create, edit, delete, and view opportunities for contacts and companies that the users have access to

  • Select products for opportunities that the users can view
  • Modify opportunity owner for opportunities that the users can view
  • Add related activities to opportunities

Opportunities pipeline charts on the Home workspace

All users can view the following charts in the Summary tab on the Home workspace out-of-the-box:

  • Product Opportunity Pipeline
  • Pipeline by Product Type

Predefined reports

All users can generate the following predefined reports out-of-the-box:

  • Contact Detail
  • Contact List
  • Phone Book
  • Schedule Day, Week, and Month
  • User Task
  • Delegated Task
  • Briefing Book

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