Working with audit trails in NexJ Admin Console
NexJ Admin Console keeps a history of actions that have been performed in NexJ CRM.
When a user completes an action, such as creating or deleting a contact record, the action is logged in the audit trail. Users with the appropriate privileges can view the history and details of these actions on the Audit Trail page.
Audit trails of user activity in individual records can also be viewed using the Audit Trail tab in NexJ CRM.
The audit trail allows you to see what information has been added, changed, or removed in the system. When a record is created, updated, or deleted, an event is logged in the audit trail. The details that are recorded for each audited item include, the date and time of the action that was performed, the ID of the user who performed it, and a name and detailed description of the action.
The Audit Trail page contains a record of actions that have have been performed in NexJ CRM.
The Audit Trail page is divided into the following areas:
- The Audit Log area at the top, which lists all audited actions that have been performed in the system. This is where you select an action for which you want to view more detail. You can also filter the list of actions in this area by the type of action, the user who performed them, and the dates on which they were performed.
- The Details area at the bottom, which lists the details of a selected action, including the attribute that was changed, its old value, and its new value.
Viewing the audit trail in NexJ Admin Console
View the audit trail in NexJ Admin Console when you want to see the history of all interactions with objects in NexJ CRM.
Before you can view audit trails, you must have been granted the AuditLogView privilege in NexJ Admin Console.
To view the audit trail for all objects in NexJ CRM:
You have reviewed the audit trail for NexJ CRM.
Setting the redundancy period for read audit records
You can specify a time period in which to fold multiple reads on an object into a single read audit record. Specify the redundancy period to reduce the amount of audit records that are created for frequently read items.
During the specified time period, a single read audit record is created for reads of a specific record by a specific user. The time period is no longer valid if another user accesses the record. In this case, individual audit read records are created for reads performed by the two users.
Your development team uses NexJ Studio to specify the classes to which read auditing applies. Read auditing is available for all the classes that are currently supported by create and update audit functionality. For example, a developer can make read auditing available for companies, contacts, households, leads, and parent and progressed opportunities.
To set the redundancy period for read audit records:
The redundancy period for read audit records is set. Changes take effect immediately.