Quick picks enable users to select values from a drop-down list for a custom text field.
When you add quick picks to a custom text field, you define the values that are available in the drop-down list.
You can only enable quick picks for custom text fields.
To add quick picks to a custom text field:
Navigate to the Entity Codes page.
In the Custom Field Types tab, in theCustom Field Types subtab, select a custom text field.
On the right side, next to the Detailtab, select the Quick Picks tab.
To add an item, click the Addbutton at the top of the list. The Add Quick Pick Enumeration Code dialog opens.
In the Captionfield, enter a name for the quick pick value. The caption name displays to users in quick pick drop-down lists in NexJ CRM.
Select or clear the Activecheckbox to define whether the item displays in the quick pick list or not.
Click OK. The Add Quick Pick Enumeration Code dialog closes.
Add additional quick pick values as necessary.
To move an item up and down in the quick picks list, select it and use the and buttons at the top right of the list. To delete an item, select the item in the quick picks list and click the Deletebutton .
The quick pick values are added to the system. Users can now use the quick picks in this custom field to specify values. If you selected Allow Quick Picks Only in the Detailtab, users can only choose quick pick values. Otherwise, users can choose quick picks or input their own values into the custom text field.
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