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NexJ CRM privileges prior to version 9.2

This section describes all available privileges and their functions.

Privilege name
AccountManageAllows the user to manage accounts in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
ACLViewAllows the user to only see contacts in an access control list when the access control list feature has been enabled.
ActAttachmentManageAllows the user to manage activity attachments.
ActAttachmentViewAllows the user to view activity attachments.
ActHistoryViewAllows the user to view activity history.
ActViewAllows the user to view activities and related classes.
AddressManageAllows the user to manage addresses.
AddressViewAllows the user to view addresses.
AdHocAdministratorAdministers the AdHoc Reporting server.
AdHocActivityManagerAssigns the manager role within the Activity domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocActivityUserAssigns the user role within the Activity domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocBusinessProcessManagerAssigns the manager role within the BusinessProcess domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocBusinessProcessUserAssigns the user role within the BusinessProcess domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCampaignParticipantManagerAssigns the manager role within the CampaignParticipant domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCampaignParticipantUserAssigns the user role within the CampaignParticipant domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCampaignManagerAssigns the manager role within the Campaign domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCampaignUserAssigns the user role within the Campaign domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCategoryManagerAssigns the manager role within the Category domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCategoryUserAssigns the user role within the Category domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCompanyManagerAssigns the manager role within the Company domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCompanyUserAssigns the user role within the Company domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocContactManagerAssigns the manager role within the Contact domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocContactUserAssigns the user role within the Contact domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCoverageTeamManagerAssigns the manager role within the CoverageTeam domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCoverageTeamUserAssigns the user role within the CoverageTeam domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocHouseholdManagerAssigns the manager role within the Household domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocHouseholdUserAssigns the user role within the Household domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocInboundCallManagerAssigns the manager role within the InboundCall domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocInboundCallUserAssigns the user role within the InboundCall domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocManagerAllows access to the Manage tab. Must be used in conjunction with the AdHocDomain Manager privileges.
AdHocOpportunityManagerAssigns the manager role within the Opportunities domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocOpportunityUserAssigns the user role within the Opportunities domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocRoadshowManagerAssigns the manager role within the Roadshow domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocRoadshowUserAssigns the user role within the Roadshow domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocServiceModelManagerAssigns the manager role within the ServiceModel domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocServiceModelUserAssigns the user role within the ServiceModel domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocSLMManagerAssigns the manager role within the SLM domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocSLMUserAssigns the user role within the SLM domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocStaticReportsManagerAssigns the manager role for static reports.
AdHocStaticReportsUserAssigns the user role for static reports.
AdHocUserFieldManagerAssigns the manager role within the UserField domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocUserFieldUserAssigns the user role within the UserField domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocUserManagerAssigns the manager role within the User domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocUserUserAssigns the user role within the User domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdminActivityPlanTemplateManageAllows the user to view activity plan templates.
AdminAddressLookupAllows the user to import new AddressLookup data in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminApplicationAccessAllows the user to access NexJ Admin Console.
AdminBIBulkSyncAllows the user to initiate a BI bulk sync in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminBIManageAllows the user to modify BI metaclasses loaded on reseed in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminBITargetManageAllows the user to create and delete BI targets in NexJ Admin Console.

This privilege should not be given to any users because BI target is a singleton.

AdminBPDocBundleUpdateAllows the user to update existing BPDocBundles and documents in NexJ Admin Console.

This privilege should only be given to the system administrator.

AdminBPDocTemplateManageAllows the user to manage BPDocTemplates in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminBatchProcessManageAllows the user to form batch process configurations in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminBusinessProcessManageAllows the user to manage business process templates in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminBusinessProcessUpdateAllows the user to delete or update existing business process templates in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminCategoryManageAllows the user to manage all security levels of categories in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminCoverageTeamManageAllows the user to manage all security levels of coverage groups in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminCustomFieldTypeManageAllows the user to manage all security levels of custom field types in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditActBadgeConfigAllows the user to manage activity dashboard badges in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditActTemplateStatusAllows the user to manage activity template status in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditActionTemplatesAllows the user to manage activity templates in NexJ Admin Console.

Allows the user to manage activity plan templates.

When assigning this privilege, also look at how the PublicActivityPlanTemplateManage and PrivateActivityPlanTemplateManage privileges are assigned.

AdminEditAddrTypesAllows the user to manage address types in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditCategoriesAllows the user to manage category types for a contact, user, company, or household profile in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditCommsTypesAllows the user to manage communication types in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditCustomFieldTypesAllows the user to manage custom field types in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditDocTemplatesAllows the user to manage document templates in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditDocTypesAllows the user to manage document types in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditEntityBadgeConfigAllows the user to manage entity dashboard badge configurations in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditEntityTypeAllows the user to manage entity types in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditPredefinedFiltersAllows the user to manage predefined filters for saved lists in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditServiceRequestTemplateAllows the user to create and edit service request templates in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEntityListManageAllows the user to manage all security levels of saved lists in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEntityQueryManageAllows the user to manage all security levels of entity queries in NexJ Admin Console. (Deprecated.)
AdminEnumDisplayManageAllows the user to edit EnumDisplay in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminFolderManageAllows the user to manage all security levels of folders in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminImportContactsAllows the user to import contacts from a CSV file in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminImportProcessManageAllows the user to manage import process templates in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminImportProcessUpdateAllows the user to update any import process at any stage in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminImportProcessViewAllows the user to view any import process at any stage in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminMailMergeConfigurationManageAllows the user to add, edit, and delete mail merge configurations.
AdminMailMergeConfigurationViewAllows the user to view the contents of mail merge configurations.
AdminPeriodManageAllows the user to create and update periods in NexJ Admin Consolewhen service level management is enabled.
AdminQuickReportManageAllows the user to manage the security of ad hoc report definitions in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminReportDefinitionFolderManageAllows the user to manage the security of report folder definitions in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminReportLayoutManageAllows the user to manage all security levels of report layouts in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminResetUserPasswordAllows the user to change the passwords of any other user in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminSavedFilterRuleManageAllows the user to administer saved filter rules.
AdminScheduleItemDeleteAllows the user to delete schedule items when the owner is not assigned to the item.
AdminServiceLevelManageAllows the user to manage service level features in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminSyncEntityListEditAllows the user to update user sync lists in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminUserGroupManageAllows the user to manage user groups in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminUserListManageAllows the user to manage all security levels of user lists in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminWorkQueueTaskHistoryManageAllows the user to edit entries of work queue task history in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminWorkQueueTaskManageAllows the user to edit work queue tasks in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminWorkQueueTaskReadOwnedAllows the user to read work queue tasks in NexJ Admin Console that are owned by other users.
AdminWorkQueueTaskSetOwnerAllows the user to edit the owner field of a work queue task in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminWorkQueueTaskSwitchQueuesAllows the user to move a task from one work queue to another in NexJ Admin Console.
ApplicationCreateAllows the user to create applications.
ApplicationDeleteAllows the user to delete an existing application.
ApplicationSwitchAllows the user to switch existing applications.
ApplicationUpdateAllows the user to update an existing application.
AssignmentModelAdminAllows the user to manage assignment models in NexJ Admin Console.
AuditLogConfigurationManageAllows the user to manage audit trail configuration in NexJ Admin Console.
AuditLogConfigurationViewAllows the user to view audit trail configuration in NexJ Admin Console.
AuditLogCreateAllows the user to create audit trail entries in NexJ Admin Console.
AuditLogDeleteAllows the user to delete audit trail entries in NexJ Admin Console.
AuditLogUpdateAllows the user to update audit trail entries in NexJ Admin Console.
AuditLogViewAllows the user to view audit trail entries in NexJ Admin Console.
AvailableScheduleItemManageAllows the user to create, edit, and delete available schedule items.
AvailableScheduleItemViewAllows the user to view available schedule slots.
BatchBrokerProcessManageAllows the user to manage batch broker processes as well as hide and expose events from the batch broker process in NexJ Admin Console.
BatchBrokerProcessViewAllows the user to view batch broker processes in NexJ Admin Console.
BatchCoverageGroupManageAllows the user to perform coverage group add and remove batch operations.
BatchCoverageManageAllows the user to perform coverage add and remove batch operations.
BatchJobManageAllows the user to manage actions for batch jobs.
BatchJobRunAllows the user to execute actions for batch jobs.
BatchProcessManageAllows the user to perform batch operations.
BatchServiceRequestDeleteAllows the user to delete multiple service requests at one time.
BICubeReportManageAllows the user to manage cube report metadata.
BICubeReportViewAllows the user to view cube report metadata.
BirthdayMailerViewAllows the user to print birthday mailers and enables the Contacts with Upcoming Birthdays filter for the user.
BIViewAllows the user to view BI metaclasses loaded by reseed.
BIWriteAllows the user to write BI instances in NexJ Admin Console.

This privilege should only be given to users of the BI sync channel.

BPDocBundleManageAllows the user to manage business process document bundles.
BPDocBundleViewAllows the user to view business process document bundles.
BranchViewAllows the user to only see contacts in a branch or list of branches.
BriefingBookReportManageAllows the user to generate the Briefing Book Report.
BulletinManageAllows the user to create and edit login bulletins.
BulletinViewAllows the user to view login bulletins.
Business Process ApproverA group of privileges that allows the user to approve or reject approval requests for business processes.
BusinessProcessManageAllows the user to manage a business process.
BusinessProcessViewAllows the user to view a business process.
call:AdminCallViewAllows the user to configure call scripts, using the Customize workspace in NexJ CRM.
call:CallReasonManageAllows the user to create, update, and delete call reasons for call scripts.
call:CallReasonViewAllows the user to view call reasons for call scripts.
call:CallScriptManageAllows the user to create, update, and delete call scripts.
call:CallScriptTemplateCreateAllows the user to create call script templates.
call:CallScriptTemplateDeleteAllows the user to delete call script templates.
call:CallScriptTemplateUpdateAllows the user to update call script templates.
call:CallScriptTemplateViewAllows the user to view call script templates.
call:CallScriptViewAllows the user to view call scripts.


Allows the user to export and import call script templates in Scheme.
call:gCallAdminA group of privileges that assigns inbound call privileges to an administrator.
call:gCallUserA group of privileges that assigns inbound call privileges to a user.
call:InboundCallBeaconViewAllows the user to view the inbound call icon on the Inbound Callworkspace.
call:InboundCallManageAllows the user to create, update, and delete inbound calls on the Inbound Call workspace.
call:InboundCallViewAllows the user to view inbound calls on the Inbound Call workspace.
call:UserCallStateManageAllows the user to create, update, and delete call state records for inbound calls.
call:UserCallStateViewAllows the user to read call state records for inbound calls.
ClientActivityMonitorAllows logging of client performance metrics for the user.
ClientCoverageAllows the user to manage client coverage.
ClientOptionBlockManageAllows the user to manage the option block from the client side.

Allows performance banners for the user.

This privilege overrides the clientPerfStatusEnabled setting in the environment file.

cm:AccountManageAllows the user to view and manage accounts in Account Mapping on the Customize workspace.
cm:AccountViewAllows the user to view accounts in Account Mapping on the Customize workspace.
cm:CallListManageAllows the user to view and manage call lists on the Call Listsworkspace when Capital Markets functionality is enabled and on theContacts workspace.
cm:CallListViewAllows the user to view and use call lists on the Call Lists workspace when Capital Markets functionality is enabled and on the Contactsworkspace.
cm:FundActiveManageAllows the user to activate or deactivate funds.
cm:FundManageAllows the user to manage funds.
cm:FundViewAllows the user to view funds.
cm:gCapitalMarketsAdminA group of privileges that provides full administrative access to Capital Markets functionality.
cm:gCapitalMarketsUserA group of privileges that provides view access to capital markets functionality.
cm:HomeScreenViewAllows the user to view the Capital Markets tab and subtabs on theHome workspace.
cm:ResearchSubjectManageAllows the user to view and manage research subscriptions on the Contacts and Customize workspaces.
cm:ResearchSubjectViewAllows the user to view research subscriptions on the Contactsworkspace.
cm:RevenueSummaryManageAllows NexJ CRM to integrate third-party data into the Revenue Summary tab in a contact's portfolio. Assign this privilege to the NexJ CRM system administrator user, for example, nexjsa.
cm:RevenueSummaryViewAllows the user to view revenue summary data in the Revenue Summary tab in a contact's portfolio.
cm:SecurityHoldingManageAllows the user to view and manage manual security holdings.
cm:SecurityHoldingViewAllows the user to view securities holdings.
cm:SecurityManageAllows the user to view and manage securities on the Securitiesworkspace.
cm:SecurityViewAllows the user to view the Securities workspace.
cm:StockInterestManageAllows the user to view and manage stock interests for a contact on the Contacts workspace.
cm:StockInterestViewAllows the user to view stock interests for a contact on the Contactsworkspace.
cm:SubscriptionManageAllows the user to view and manage subscriptions in the Subscriptions tab in a contact's portfolio.
cm:SubscriptionViewAllows the user to view subscriptions in the Subscriptions tab in a contact's portfolio.
cm:TaxonomyManageAllows NexJ CRM to integrate third-party data into the Taxonomy Management tab on the Securities workspace. Assign this privilege to the NexJ CRM system administrator user, for example, nexjsa.
cm:TaxonomyViewAllows the user to view the company, industry, and sector hierarchy and assign coverage in the Taxonomy Management tab on theSecurities workspace.
cm:TransactionManageAllows NexJ CRM to integrate third-party data into the Transactions workspace. Assign this privilege to the NexJ CRM system administrator user, for example, nexjsa.
cm:TransactionViewAllows the user to view transactions on the Transactions workspace.
CompanyActiveManageAllows the user to deactivate or activate companies.
CompanyCreateAllows the user to create a new company.
CompanyDeleteAllows the user to delete an existing company.
CompanyUpdateAllows the user to change the properties of an existing company.
CompanyViewAllows the user to view an existing company.
ContactCreateAllows the user to create a new contact.
ContactDeleteAllows the user to delete an existing contact.
ContactUpdateAllows the user to change the properties of an existing contact.
ConversationDeleteAllows the user to delete an existing conversation.
ConversationManageAllows the user to view, create, and edit conversations.
ConversationNonPrivateManageAllows the user to manage non-private conversations.
ConversationNonPrivateViewAllows the user to view non-private conversations.
ConversationUserDeleteAllows the user to delete conversation users.
CoverageRoleAdminAllows the user to manage coverage roles.
CoverageTeamAdminAllows the user to add, modify, and delete coverage teams in NexJ Admin Console.
CurrencyManageAllows the user to manage currencies and exchange rates in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.

Allows the user to configure the data match service.

This privilege is used for features such as data import.


Allows the user to submit data sets to the data match service for matching.

This privilege is used for features such as data import.


Allows the user to view data match service configurations.

This privilege is used for features such as data import.

DebugAllows the user to set breakpoints in Scheme code in sessions owned by the current user.
DebugAnyoneAllows the user to set breakpoints in Scheme code that are triggered by other users.
DebugEvalAllows the user to evaluate any expression while debugging.
deployment:DeployMetadataAllows the user to use the Deployment tool in Studio to manage dynamic deployment.
DistributedTaskManageAllows the user to manage DistributeTask and DistributedTaskUnits in NexJ Admin Console.
DocumentViewAllows the user to view a document.
EnableIntegratedLeadManagementEnables Integrated Lead Management for the user.
EnableLocalizationEnables templates (including business process templates) to be localized.
EntityActiveManageAllows the user to deactivate or activate entities.
EntityApprovalApproveAllows the user to approve an approval request for a business process for a change to a company or contact.
EntityApprovalRequestAllows the user to submit an approval request for a business process for a change to a company or contact.
EntityCategoryManageAllows the user to add, edit, and delete entity categories.
EntityCategoryViewAllows the user to view entity categories.
EntityListCoverageViewManageAllows the user to limit the view security of a saved list by coverage group.
EntityListManageAllows the user to manage saved lists.
EntityListMemberManageAllows the user to add or remove the members of saved lists.
EntityListPublicViewManageAllows the user to set the view security of a saved list to Public.
EntityListViewAllows the user to view any saved lists.
EntityQueryManageAllows the user to create and modify queries used for entity search. (Deprecated.)
EntityViewAllows the user to view entities and related classes.
EnumDisplayBaseReadAllows the user to read enumeration base displays.
EnumDisplayManageAllows the user to create, update, and delete enumeration displays.
EnumManageAllows the user to create, update, and delete enumerations in NexJ Admin Console.
EnumReadAllows the user to view enumerations in NexJ Admin Console.
EventManageAllows the user to create and update events.
EventViewAllows the user to view events.

Allows the user to manage external aspects of the application.

This privilege should be automatically assigned to all external users.

FavouriteUserListManageAllows the user to manage favorite lists of users.
FeeBasedGroupManageAllows the user to manage fee-based groups in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
FilterRuleManageAllows the user to create, edit, and delete filter rules.
FilterRuleMetadataManageAllows the user to manage field and subject area associations in NexJ Admin Console.
FilterRuleMetadataViewAllows the user to view field and subject area associations in NexJ Admin Console.
FilterRuleViewAllows the user to view filter rules.
FinanceViewAllows the user to view financial data such as portfolios, accounts, holdings, and transactions in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
FinancialDateManageAllows the user to manage financial dates in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
FinancialPeriodManageAllows the user to manage financial periods in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
FirmViewAllows the user to see all records across all branches.


Allows the user to export and import business process and flow templates in Scheme.
flow:FlowManageAllows the user to create, update, and delete flows and related objects.
flow:FlowManageAdminAllows the user to update flows.
flow:FlowTemplateManageAllows the user to create, update, and delete flow templates and related objects.
flow:FlowTemplateViewAllows the user to view flow templates and related objects.
flow:FlowViewAllows the user to view flows and related objects.
flow:gFlowGeneralAdminA group of privileges that allows the user to manage flows and flow templates.
flow:gFlowGeneralManageA group of privileges that allows the user to manage flows.
flow:gFlowTemplateGeneralManageA group of privileges that allows the user to manage flow templates.
flow:QuestionnaireManageAllows the user to create, update, and delete questionnaires and related objects.
flow:QuestionnaireTemplateManageAllows the user to create, update, and delete questionnaire templates and related objects.
flow:QuestionnaireTemplateViewAllows the user to view questionnaire templates and related objects.
flow:QuestionnaireViewAllows the user to view questionnaires and related objects.
FolderManageAllows the user to view and edit the folders in the Document Manager workspace.
FormulaManageAllows the user to create, update, and delete formulas in NexJ Studio.
FormulaViewAllows the user to read formulas in NexJ Studio.

A group of privileges that provides all administrator privileges.

This group of privileges should only be assigned to administrative users.

gAuthenticatedPrincipalA group of privileges that should be given to all authenticated principals.
gBusinessProcessAdminA group of privileges that allows the user to create, modify, activate, deactivate, and delete business processes.
gCompanyManagementA group of privileges that allows the user to view, create, update, and delete companies.
gConfigTypeManagementA group of privileges that provides the privileges required to create, update, and delete configuration types.
gContactManagementA group of privileges that provides the privileges required for standard contact management.

A group of privileges that provides high-level administrative privileges.

This group of privileges should only be assigned to the default seeded nexjsa user.

gDataMatchServiceAdminA group of privileges that provides the privileges for data match service administrators.
gDataMatchServiceUserA group of privileges that provides the privileges for data match service users.
gEnableIntegratedLeadManagementA group of privileges that provides the privileges for enabling Integrated Lead Management.
gEnterpriseRoleAdminA group of privileges that provides full administrative access to enterprise roles and enterprise role to user mapping.
gEnterpriseRoleViewA group of privileges that provides the ability to view enterprise role-related data.
gEntityListManagementA group of privileges that allows the user to manage saved lists.
gFinanceAdminA group of privileges that provides all administrative finance-related functions in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
gHouseholdManagementA group of privileges that allows the user to manage all household-related functions.
gImportProcessManagementA group of privileges that allows the user to perform and manage import processes.
gInboundExchangeSyncUserA group of privileges required for inbound synchronization users of Microsoft Exchange Server.
gLeadDistributionA group of privileges that allows the user to administer lead distribution.
gLeadManagementA group of privileges that allows the user to administer lead management.
gMessageDispatchA group of privileges that allows the user to manage message dispatches.
gPortalAccessA group of privileges that allows the user to be able to view items in the portal application.
gPortalAdminA group of privileges that grants the user full portal administrative privileges.
gPortalPersonalizeUserA group of privileges that allows the user to personalize their portal workspaces.
gPortalServerUserA group of privileges that allows the user to manage portals.
gPrivateConfigTypeManagementA group of privileges that allows the user to manage private configuration types.
gPublicConfigTypeManagementA group of privileges that allows the user to manage public configuration types.
gReportAccessA group of privileges that allows the user to run Jasper reports.
gServiceRequestAdminA group of privileges that allows the user to delete multiple service requests at one time.
GenerateImportDefinitionAllows the user to generate import definitions.
GenericRPCSecurableAllows the user to make RPC calls on the server with any client in addition to the default option, which is flat web.
HierarchyContextManageAllows the user to manage hierarchy context priorities.
HistoricalAuditManageAllows the user to edit historical audit master tables in NexJ Admin Console.
HistoryItemManageAllows the user to manage client UI history.
HistoryItemViewAllows the user to view client UI history.
HoldableManageAllows the user to manage holdables in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
HoldingsManageAllows the user to manage holdings in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
HouseholdActiveManageAllows the user to deactivate or activate households.
HouseholdCreateAllows the user to add a new household.
HouseholdDeleteAllows the user to delete an existing household.

Allows the user to view other members of their own household.

This privilege is only relevant to external users.

HouseholdUpdateAllows the user to change the properties of an existing household.
HouseholdViewAllows the user to view households.
ilm:CallScriptManageAllows the user to create, update, and delete lead call scripts.
ilm:CallScriptTemplateCreateAllows the user to create lead call script templates.
ilm:CallScriptTemplateDeleteAllows the user to delete lead call script templates.
ilm:CallScriptTemplateUpdateAllows the user to update lead call script templates.
ilm:CallScriptTemplateViewAllows the user to view lead call script templates.
ilm:CallScriptViewAllows the user to view lead call scripts.
ilm:EnableAdminLeadManagementEnables administrator functionality for integrated lead management for the user.
ilm:EnableIntegratedLeadManagementEnables integrated lead management for the user.
ilm:ExportImportSchemeAdminAllows the user to export and import leads call script templates in Scheme.
ilm:gLeadAdminA group of privileges that grants full administrative privileges for leads.
ilm:gLeadManagerA group of privileges that allows the user to manage leads and lead call script templates.
ilm:gLeadUserA group of privileges that allows the user to create, update, and delete leads and lead call scripts.
ilm:LeadAllViewAllows the user to view all leads.
ilm:LeadCreateAllows the user to create leads.
ilm:LeadDeleteAllows the user to delete leads.
ilm:LeadDistributionManageAllows the user to distribute leads.
ilm:LeadManageAllows the user to manage leads.
ilm:LeadViewAllows the user to view leads.
ImportProcessManageAllows the user to run the import process.
ImportProcessViewAllows the user to view import processes and results.

Allows the user to be able to manage all internal aspects of the application.

This privilege should be automatically assigned to all internal users.

JMXManageAllows the user to view and edit JMX statistics in NexJ System Admin Console.
KYCManageAllows the user to manage KYCs in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
LayoutManageAllows the user to create, update, and manage layouts in NexJ Studio.
LayoutViewAllows the user to view layouts in NexJ Studio.
LogManageAllows the user to adjust application logger attributes.
ManageUnsubscribedNotificationsAllows the user access to the Turned off notifications tab on theCustomize workspace.
NotifyServerManageAllows the user to manage notify servers.
NotifyServerViewAllows the user to view a notify server.
NotificationsManageAllows the user to view notifications, mark notifications as read, clear notifications, and execute quick responses from notifications.
NotificationsViewAllows the user to view notifications in the notifications stream.
NotifyTargetManageAllows the user to manage notify targets.
NotifyTargetViewAllows the user to view notify targets.
OpportunityAdminAllows the user to create and edit opportunity templates in NexJ Admin Console.
OpportunityApprovalApproveAllows the user to approve an opportunity approval request.
OpportunityApprovalRequestAllows the user to submit an opportunity change for approval.
OptionBlockManageAllows the user to create, update, and remove user options in NexJ Admin Console.
OptionBlockViewAllows the user to view user options in NexJ Admin Console.
PartitionManageAllows the user to create, read, and update partitions. Only the system administrator should have this privilege.
PartitionViewAllows the user to view partitions.
PasswordAllManageAllows the user to set any user's password.
PasswordSelfManageAllows the user to set their own password.
PeriodViewAllows the user to view periods.
PersonActiveManageAllows the user to deactivate or activate people.
PersonViewAllows the user to view a Person object.
PoolManageAllows changing resource and consumer pool properties at run time.
PortfolioImportManageAllows the user to manage portfolio import jobs in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
PortfolioImportViewAllows the user to view portfolio import jobs in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
PortfolioManageAllows the user to manage portfolios in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
PortletLibraryAccessAllows the user to access the portlet library.
PortletManageAllows the user to create, update, and delete portlets from the Registry.
PortletViewAllows the user to query for portlets from the Registry.

Allows the user to set activity plan templates to a security level of private.

When assigning this privilege, also look at how the AdminEditActivityPlanTemplate and PublicActivityPlanTemplateManage privileges are assigned.

PrivateCategoryManageAllows the user to set categories to a security level of private.
PrivateCoverageTeamManageAllows the user to set coverage groups to a security level of private.
PrivateCustomFieldTypeManageAllows the user to set custom field types to a security level of private.
PrivateEntityListManageAllows the user to set saved lists to a security level of private.
PrivateEntityQueryManageAllows the user to set entity queries to a security level of private. (Deprecated.)
PrivateFolderManageAllows the user to set folders to a security level of private.
PrivateQuickReportsManageAllows the user to set ad hoc reports to a security level of private.
PrivateReportDefinitionFolderManageAllows the user to set report definition folders to a security level of private.
PrivateReportLayoutManageAllows the user to set report layouts to a security level of private.
PrivateSavedFilterRuleManageAllows the user to manage private saved filter rules.

Allows the user to set schedule items to a security level of private.

This privilege should not be given to any user.

PrivateScheduleItemViewAllows the user to view schedule items with a security level of private.
PrivateUserListManageAllows the user to set user lists to a security level of private.
ProcessQueueEnqueueAllows the user to add a task to the process queue.
ProcessQueueManageAllows the user to manage process queues and lists of queued processes in NexJ Admin Console.
ProcessStatusChangeManageAllows the user to add, update, and delete SysProcessStatusChange instances.
PublicACLViewAllows the user to see items relating to the public principal in an access control list.

Allows the user to set activity plan templates to a security level of public.

When assigning this privilege, also look at how the AdminEditActivityPlanTemplate and PrivateActivityPlanTemplateManage privileges are assigned.

PublicCategoryManageAllows the user to set categories to a security level of public.
PublicCoverageTeamManageAllows the user to set coverage groups to a security level of public.
PublicCustomFieldTypeManageAllows the user to set custom field types to a security level of public.
PublicEntityListManageAllows the user to set saved lists to a security level of public.
PublicEntityQueryManageAllows the user to set entity queries to a security level of public. (Deprecated.)
PublicFolderManageAllows the user to set folders to a security level of public.

Allows the user to set the principal to a security level of public.

This privilege should not be given to any user.

PublicQuickReportManageAllows the user to set ad hoc reports to a security level of public.
PublicReportDefinitionFolderManageAllows the user to set report folder definitions to a security level of public.
PublicReportLayoutManageAllows the user to set report layouts to a security level of public.
PublicSavedFilterRuleManageAllows the user to manage public saved filter rules.
PublicUserListManageAllows the user to set user lists to a security level of public.
PushRedirectAllows the user to establish a connection from push redirector to application server.
QueueManageAllows the user to administer SysQueues.
QueueViewAllows the user to view SysQueues.
QuickReportManageAllows the user to manage ad hoc reports.
RegistryPortletManageAllows the user to create, edit, and delete portlets from the registry.
RegistryPortletViewAllows the user to query for portlets from the registry.
ReportDefinitionFolderManageAllows the user to manage folders in the Ad Hoc Reports workspace.
ReportLayoutManageAllows the user to manage report layouts.
RestrictionManageAllows the user to manage restrictions in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
roadshow:AdminEditRoadshowTemplatesAllows the user to create, update, and delete event templates.
roadshow:gRoadshowAdminA group of privileges that grant administrative privileges for events.
roadshow:gRoadshowCRUDA group of privileges that allow the user to create, read, update, and delete events.
roadshow:gRoadshowUserA group of privileges that allow the user to view events.
roadshow:RoadshowAdminAllAccessAllows the user to access all events, regardless of event security settings.
roadshow:RoadshowCreateAllows the user to create events.
roadshow:RoadshowManageAllows the user to update and delete events.
roadshow:RoadshowViewAllows the user to view events and event templates.
RollupEngineManageAllows you to configure the rollup engine in NexJ Admin Console.
rules:gRuleAdminA group of privileges that grants full administrative privileges to notifiications.
rules:gRuleUserA group of privileges that determines whether a user can receive notifications and conversations.
rules:RuleManageAllows NexJ CRM to evaluate a rule and trigger a notification for a user.
rules:RuleUIClientAllows the user to view and manage rules in the Rules tab on theCustomize workspace.
rules:RuleViewAllows a user to trigger a rule.
rules:RuleWorkspaceManageAllows the user to access the Rules tab on the Customize workspace.
RuleSetManageAllows the user to manage the Rules Editor page in NexJ Admin Console.
SavedFilterRuleManageAllows the user to manage saved filter rules.
SavedFilterRuleViewAllows the user to view saved filter rules.
ScheduleDayReportManageAllows the user to run the Schedule Day Report.
ScheduleMonthReportManageAllows the user to run the Schedule Month Report.
ScheduleWeekReportManageAllows the user to run the Schedule Week Report.
SectorManageAllows the user to manage sectors and sector types in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
ServiceLevelManageAllows the user to modify entity service model for activity tracking.
ServiceLevelViewAllows the user to view service levels.
ServiceRequestApprovalApproveAllows the user to approve a service request approval request.
ServiceRequestApprovalRequestAllows the user to submit a service request change for approval.
ServiceRequestDeleteAllows the user to delete service requests.
ServiceRequestMailboxManageAllows the user to create, update, activate, and deactivate mailboxes.
ServiceRequestMailboxViewAllows the user to access the Mailboxes tab on the Customizeworkspace.
ServiceRequestManageAllows the user to create and update service requests.
ServiceRequestSLAOverrideAllows the user to edit the First Response By and Resolution By service level agreement metrics for service requests.
ServiceRequestViewAllows the user to view service requests.
SharedWorkspaceManageAllows the user to publish workspaces to user template.
SubscriptionEngineManageAllows the user to configure the Subscription Engine Service.
SubscriptionEngineViewAllows the user to view Subscription Engine Service configurations.
SyncEntityListMemberManageAllows the user to add and remove entities from a sync list.
SyncManageAllows the user to manage the Synchronization page in NexJ Admin Console.
SysAdminApplicationAccessAllows the user to access NexJ System Admin Console.
SystemAuditManageAllows the user to modify the system audit fields directly.

Allows the user to modify the system user type.

This privilege should not be given to any user.

TaskAssignmentManageAllows the user to manage default assignments of tasks.
TaskAssignmentViewAllows the user to view default assignments of tasks.
TaskReportManageAllows the user to run the Task Report.
TeamDeleteAllows the user to delete a team in NexJ Admin Console.
TeamManageAllows the user to create and update teams in NexJ Admin Console.
TeamViewAllows the user to view teams.
TeamViewStateCreateAllows the user to create team schedule views.
TeamViewStateDeleteAllows the user to delete team schedule views.
TelcomManageAllows the user to manage telcoms.
TelcomViewAllows the user to view telcoms.
TransactionManageAllows the user to manage transactions in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
TransactionTypeManageAllows the user to manage transaction types in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
TrustedHostManageAllows the user to manage trusted enterprise components hosts.
TrustedHostViewAllows the user to query for a list of trusted enterprise components hosts.
UserAuditManageAllows the user to modify the user audit fields.
UserCreateAllows the user to create a new user in NexJ Admin Console.
UserDeleteAllows the user to delete an existing user in NexJ Admin Console.
UserDisableAllows the user to disable an existing user in NexJ Admin Console.
UserFieldManageAllows the user to add user fields.
UserFieldViewAllows the user to read user fields.
UserGroupCreateAllows the user to create a new user group in NexJ Admin Console.
UserGroupDeleteAllows the user to delete an existing user group in NexJ Admin Console.
UserGroupLinkManageAllows the user to add or remove users from groups.
UserGroupPermissionManageAllows the user to add or remove permissions from user/user group pairs.
UserGroupPrivilegeLinkManageAllows the user to add or remove privileges from user groups.
UserGroupTypeManageAllows the user to create, update, and delete user group types.
UserGroupUpdateAllows the user to edit the properties of user group in NexJ Admin Console.
UserListManageAllows the user to create and update user lists in NexJ Admin Console.
UserPersonActiveManageAllows the user to deactivate or activate NexJ Admin Console users.
UserRegistryClientComponentManageAllows the user to manage the UserRegistryClientComponent class.
UserRegistryClientComponentViewAllows the user to view the UserRegistryClientComponent class.
UserRegistryClientPrivilegeManageAllows the user to manage access to the UserRegistryClientPrivilege class.
UserRegistryClientPrivilegeViewAllows the user to view the UserRegistryClientPrivilege class.
UserRegistryClientRolePrivilegeManageAllows the user to manage the UserRegistryClientRolePrivilege class.
UserRegistryClientRolePrivilegeViewAllows the user to view the UserRegistryClientRolePrivilege class.
UserSubscriptionRuleManageAllows the user the ability to configure UserSubscriptionRule.
UserSubscriptionRuleViewAllows the user the ability to view UserSubscriptionRule.
UserTemplateManageAllows the user to create, update, and delete user templates.
UserUpdateAllows the user to edit the properties of users in NexJ Admin Console.
VirtualScheduleItemManageAllows the user to create, edit, and delete virtual schedule items.
VirtualScheduleItemViewAllows the user to view virtual schedule items.
WorkflowManageAllows the user to create, update, and delete workflow objects.
WorkQueueItemBatchAssignAllows the user to assign multiple work queue items to themselves or to another user.
WorkQueueItemPullAllows the user to pull tasks from a work queue and assign the tasks to themselves.
WorkQueueItemPushAllows the user to assign tasks to a work queue.
WorkQueueManageAllows the user to create, update, and delete work queues in NexJ Admin Console.
WorkQueueViewAllows the user to view the Work Queues workspace.
WorkspaceCopyAllows the user to copy workspaces.
WorkspaceCreateAllows the user to create workspaces.
WorkspaceCustomizeAllows the user to customize workspaces.
WorkspaceDeleteAllows the user to delete workspaces.
WorkspaceLinkManageAllows the user to create workspace links.
WorkspacePublishAllows the user to publish workspaces.
WorkspaceSelectAllows the user to create workspace links within the portal admin tools.
WorkspaceUpdateAllows the user to update workspaces.

Configuring privilege groups

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