A user group is a versatile group of users that can be used for a variety of purposes in NexJ CRM, including restricting view and edit security, creating specialized custom field types and categories, and assigning coverage groups.
Creating user groups
You can create a user group, add user group members, and assign view and edit security settings to the group. You can also create user groups that represent different customer support teams and their mail boxes.
Once you create a user group, you cannot delete it.
To create a new user group:
Navigate to the User page.
In theUser Groupstab, click the Addbutton
and select a group type. For example, you could select a support team.
The group type is associated with a category group and a custom field type group. These groups define which categories, category tabs, custom fields, and custom field tabs are available for the user in theDetailstab on the Customize workspace in NexJ CRM.
If appropriate custom fields or categories do not appear for a user in NexJ CRM, validate that the User entity type has been added to the custom field type group and category group defined for the group type. TheAdd User Groupdialog opens.
Enter a name and description for the user group.
The user group name displays in NexJ CRM.
[Optional] In theEmail Address field, provide an email address to enable users in the group to send batch emails from this group email account.
By default, all users are granted the Send from Group Mailbox permission, which enables users in the group to send emails from the group email account.
[Optional] If you have enabled the Email to Serv. Req. global application setting, select Enable Email for Service Request Management. When you select this option, you can create a mailbox for the new user group in the Service Request Management tab on the Customize workspace. For more information, see "Service requests" in the application administration documentation.
[Optional] In theUserstab, add users to this user group.
[Optional] In theSecuritytab, specify view and edit security levels of this user group.
ClickOK.The Add User Groupdialog closes.
The user group is created.
Modifying user group properties
Modify a user group's properties when you want to make changes to the group's name, description, email address, or security settings.
To modify the properties of a user group:
Navigate to the Userpage.
In the User Groupstab, select the user group whose properties you want to modify. The group's details open in the Detailsubtab.
In the Detail subtab, click theEdit button .TheEdit User Group dialog opens.
Edit the user group's name, description, or email address.
The user group name displays in NexJ CRM.
To change the user group's view or edit security, make your desired selections in the corresponding fields.
ClickOK. The Edit User Groupdialog closes.
The user group's properties are modified.
Changing user group members
Change the members of a user group when you want to modify user access for an individual user in NexJ CRM.
To change the members of a user group:
Navigate to the User page.
In the User Groupstab, select the user group whose membership you want to change. The user group's information appears in the Detailsubtab.
In the Userssubtab, click the Selectbutton . The Select Usersdialog opens. You can search for users in this dialog by first name, last name, and login name. Users who are already part of the user group populate the list on the right side of the dialog.
Add users by selecting from the list of available users on the left side of the dialog and clickingAdd; remove users by selecting from the list on the right side and clicking Remove.
Click OK. The Select Usersdialog closes.
The members of the user group are modified.
Changing user permissions
Each member of a user group is given permissions that allow them to manage objects that are specific to that group, such as categories, custom fields, and coverage groups.
You can configure permissions either for all users of a group or for an individual group member.
Configuring default permissions for new members of a user group
Default user permissions are privileges that you define for a user group. The default user permissions are automatically given to all new users who are made members of a group.
Changes that you make to default user permissions do not affect users who are already members of a group.
To change the default user permissions of a group:
Navigate to the User page.
In the User Groupstab, select the user group whose permissions you want to change. Information about the group appears in the Detailsubtab.
In the Detailsubtab, in theDefault User Permissions zone, click the Selectbutton . The Select Permissionsdialog opens.
Add permissions by selecting from the list of available permissions on the left side of the dialog and clicking Add. Remove permissions by selecting from the list on the right side and clickingRemove.
Click OK. The Select Permissionsdialog closes.
The default user permissions are updated
Configuring permissions for individual members of a user group
Individual user permissions can be altered at any time after the user has been added to the group.
To change the permissions of an individual user:
Navigate to the User page.
In theUser Groupstab, select the user group you want to change. Information about the group appears in the Detailsubtab.
Click theUserssubtab and select the user whose permissions you want to change. The user's permissions appear at the bottom of the Userssubtab.
In the Permissions for <user>zone, click the Selectbutton . The Select Permissions dialog opens.
Add or remove permissions to or from the list on the right as desired.
Click OK. The Select Permissions dialog closes.
The permissions for the individual user are changed.