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Interpreting object queue statistics from the Statistics page

You can use object queue statistics on the Statistics page in NexJ System Admin Console to view aggregate object queue metrics by node or by queue.

You can view aggregate values for all queues by navigating to NexJ application > ObjectQueue Engine and for individual queues stats by navigating to NexJ application node Channel and then selecting a queue node. 

Aggregate object queue metrics by node

You can access object queue statistics for your NexJ application for individual nodes or the cluster. You can access these statistics on the Object Queue Engine node.

  • Persistent
    Displays statistics for messages that are saved to OQMessage table in the process of delivery. Persistent messages typically contain business logic.
  • Transient
    Displays statistics for messages that are not saved to a data source. Transient message are typically internal system notifications.
  • Sender
    Displays statistics for messages that are on a queue.
  • Receiver
    Displays statistics for messages that have been processed and taken off a queue.

Object queue metrics by queue

The following table identifies statistics that you can use to monitor object queue statistics and to review error and runtime queues. You can access these statistics by navigating to the NexJ application > node Channel ObjectQueue node and then selecting a channel.

StatisticDescriptionHow to interpret
Total message countThe total number of messages that were sent to and received from the queueUse the difference between Receiver and Sender message counts to determine the number of messages not yet processed. When a message fails once and then succeeds, the send count increments once and the receive count increments twice.
Processing time (ms): mean

Receiver node: The average processing time of a successful message

Sender node: The average time to add a message to a queue

Track as a trend. Compare the mean processing time to the universal processing time and look for large changes in processing time from the norm. Also look for large mean processing times, especially where they deviate from the universal processing time.
Message rate (Hz)

Receiver node: The rate at which messages were received by an object queue and processed

Sender node: The rate at which messages were sent to be received by an object queue

Track as a trend.

Troubleshooting an accumulation of messages on object queues

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