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Adding and removing client coverage group members

You can add or remove coverage group members from client coverage groups.

To add or remove group members from a client coverage group:

  1. Navigate to the Coverage page.
  2. In the Coverage Groups tab, select a client coverage group. A list of the current group members appears in the Coverage Group Members area.
  3. In the Coverage Group Members area, click the Select button 
    The Select Coverage Group Members dialog opens.
  4. Select a user from the list on the left, and click Add to move the user to the list on the right.
  5. Assign a coverage role by double-clicking in the Coverage Role column for a contact and selecting a role from the drop-down list.

    Coverage roles are prepopulated for users who have a default client coverage defined.

  6. When you are finished, click OKThe Select Coverage Group Members dialog closes.

You have modified coverage group members in a client coverage group.

When you add or remove a member of a client coverage group, the changes are cascaded to all clients with that coverage group.

When you add or remove a member of a client coverage group, the changes are cascaded to all clients with that coverage group.

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