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Configuring user lists for activities

A user list is a simple collection of users that is used for activity assignment. You can manage user lists and change which users belong to each list.

Creating user lists

Create a new user list to develop a new collection of users that are otherwise unrelated.

To create a new user list:

  1. Navigate to the User page.
  2. In the User Lists tab, click the Add button 
    The Add User List dialog opens.
  3. In the Detail tab, enter a name and description for the new list.
  4. In the Users section, click the Select button 
     in the users list to add users to this list. 
    The Select Users dialog opens.
  5. Add new users by selecting from the list of available users on the left side of the dialog and clicking Add. Users that are associated with this user list populate the right side of the dialog.
  6. When you are finished adding users, click OKThe Select Users dialog closes and you are returned to the Add User List dialog.
  7. [Optional] In the Security tab, change the view and edit security levels of this user list.

    You will not be able to modify the security levels for the user list after it has been created. If you want to restrict access to this user list, you must do so now. The default settings for both the view and edit security are public.

  8. Click OKThe Add User List dialog closes.

The new user list is created.

Deleting user lists

Delete user lists that you no longer need.

To delete an existing user list:

  1. Navigate to the User page.
  2. Click the User Lists tab.
  3. Click the Action button 
     for the user list you want to delete and click the Delete button 

Your selected user list is deleted.

Adding and removing users from user lists

Add or remove users from a user list.

To add or remove users from a user list:

  1. Navigate to the User page.
  2. In the User Lists tab, select the user list for which you want to modify membership. Details of the user list appear in the Detail area.
  3. In the Detail area, in the Users list, click the Select button 
    The Manage Favorites dialog opens.
  4. Add users by selecting from the list of available users on the left side of the dialog and clicking Add. Users that are currently a part of the user list populate the right side of the dialog. To remove users, select the user in the right side of the dialog and click Remove.
  5. Click OKThe Manage Favorites dialog closes.

The user list is now modified.

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