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Conflict detection and resolution

The system automatically detects conflicts with a data field on a synchronized object when different changes occur in two systems. This occurs when synchronized objects are no longer in-sync.

If the system detects a conflict it applies business logic to determine the final state of the object. This occurs when restoring synchronization.

In case of a conflict, NexJ CRM does not accept changes from Exchange but instead runs its own internal conflict resolution rules, where NexJ CRM wins in almost all cases, and the final resolved item will be pushed back to Exchange. NexJ CRM ignores the conflict and accepts the changes in a few cases that are limited to the synchronization of certain attributes of recurring items. These cases have no functional implication for the user.

For example, a synchronized task has Note1 in its notes field. If, for some reason, synchronization breaks between NexJ CRM and Exchange, then changing the note in NexJ CRM to Note2 will not synchronize and will create a conflict. After restoring synchronization, if the note in Exchange are updated to Note3, the system detects a conflict on inbound synchronization between the two notes by comparing the previously synchronized value to Exchange and the current value in NexJ CRM, and NexJ CRM wins. NexJ CRM then pushes the current NexJ CRM value, Note2, back to the Exchange account where the incoming change originated.

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