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Contact synchronization

Contact synchronization is one-way outbound only. Inbound contact synchronization is disabled by default and cannot be enabled. This is because multiple Exchange users can have the same contact information for one contact, which creates data inconsistency, in addition to Exchange storing non-standard data.


Objects of class type Person or UserPerson synchronize to external systems. Currently organizations, households, and departments do not synchronize.

Contact synchronization between NexJ CRM and Exchange Server

Contacts created by a user in NexJ CRM do not synchronize automatically to the user's contact list in Exchange. A user must be a member of the contact's coverage team or have the contact in the user's synchronization list in order for the contact to appear in Exchange, regardless of who created the contact. When a user is part of a contact's coverage team, the contact appears in the user's My Contacts list in the Home page in NexJ CRM . A user can add a contact to their synchronization list by right-clicking on the contact record in NexJ CRM and selecting Sync to Outlook.


For more information about contact coverage, see Coverage.

Contacts are synchronized to Exchange using the following data mapping:

NexJ CRM fieldExchange Server field
Full Name (calculated field)Full name (calculated field)
First NameFirst Name
InitialsMiddle Name
Last NameLast Name
PositionJob Title
Default Business CommunicationBusiness Number
Default Home CommunicationHome Phone Number
Default Mobile CommunicationMobile Business Number
Default Fax CommunicationBusiness Fax Phone Number
Default E-mail CommunicationE-mail
Default Business AddressBusiness Address
Default Business Address CityBusiness Address City
Default Business Address CountryBusiness Address Country
Default Business Address ZIPBusiness Address ZIP/Postal Code
Default Business Address StateBusiness Address State/Province
Default Business Address StreetBusiness Address Street
Default Home AddressHome Address
Default Home Address CityHome Address City
Default Home Address CountryHome Address Country
Default Home Address ZIPHome Address ZIP/Postal Code
Default Home Address StateHome Address State/Region
Default Home Address StreetHome Address Street
Date of BirthBirthday

If any of these data fields are updated in Exchange, they remain updated even if synchronization executes for changes on other fields. However, updated data fields in Exchange are lost when the corresponding data fields are updated in NexJ CRM .

For example, a contact synchronizes with a first name of "John." If the first name changes to "Jack" in Exchange, it remains "Jack" in Exchange and remains "John" in NexJ CRM . However, if the first name updates to "Joe" in NexJ CRM , it becomes "Joe" in Exchange, overriding changes when synchronization executes.

Deleting contacts

Deleting a contact from NexJ CRM deletes the contact from all Exchange accounts that synchronize with that contact. Deleting a contact from Exchange has no effect in NexJ CRM . However, modifying the contact in NexJ CRM re-creates the contact previously deleted in Exchange.

Configuring view and edit security for contacts

The following view and edit security rules apply to contacts synchronization.

  • View and edit security is public by default in both systems.
  • Setting view security to private in NexJ CRM does not update any properties or fields in Exchange Server. However, NexJ CRM enforces its security by removing visibility of the contact from all other users in Exchange Server. It does this by deleting the contact from other users' Exchange accounts.
  • Setting edit security to private in NexJ CRM has no effect in Exchange, because Exchange users can edit their own contacts.
  • Setting a view group security in NexJ CRM synchronizes the contact to Exchange only for those in the group.
  • Setting an edit group security in NexJ CRM has no effect in Exchange.

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