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Enabling performance banners for individual users

performance banner is a testing tool that provides detailed information on browser-to-server requests in real time. Performance banners display in portlets in the classic version of the NexJ CRM user interface (available with the 8.X releases)NexJ Admin Console, and NexJ System Admin Console. Each portlet has a color-coded performance banner at the top of its frame that displays metrics associated with each action the portlet performs.

For information on enabling performance information for the user interface for 9.X releases, see Enabling performance information to view metrics about your NexJ application.

Use performance banners to identify network and environment issues in your NexJ deployment. Performance banners help application developers and quality assurance analysts understand potential performance bottlenecks, detect performance regressions, and investigate environment issues such as database performance.

You can enable performance banners for individual users by assigning them the ClientPerformanceStatus privilege.

Performance banners are used for application testing and quality assurance. They should not be activated in production environments.

Enabling performance banners

You can enable performance banners for individual users in NexJ Admin Console. Enable performance banners to view request and response metrics about your NexJ application.

Performance banners must first be configured for your deployment. For more information, see Application server settings.

You enable performance banners for an individual user by adding the user to a privilege group that has been granted the ClientPerformanceStatus privilege. You can either create a new privilege group, or add the privilege to an existing group. This example explains how to create a new privilege group that you can add a user to when you want to enable performance banners for them.

When clientPerfStatusEnabled is set to false in the environment file, the ClientPerformanceStatus privilege supersedes that configuration.

To enable performance banners for an individual user:

  1. In NexJ Admin Console, navigate to the User page.
  2. In the Privilege Groups tab, create a new privilege group that grants the ClientPerformanceStatus privilege.
  3. In the Users tab, add the user to the new privilege group that you created.

Performance banners are now enabled in your NexJ application for the specified user. When the user launches the application, each portlet will display performance metrics at the top of its frame.

To disable performance banners for a user, remove the user from the privilege group that you created.

Hiding performance banners

Individual users can hide performance banners. When performance banners are enabled in NexJ Studio, they are displayed for all users unless they are overridden with a URL query string parameter.

To hide performance banners if you are using the classic version of NexJ CRM (8.X releases):

  1. Open a NexJ application that has performance banners enabled.
  2. Append ?hidePerf=1 to the end of the URL in your browser's address bar and press Enter.
    For example, if an application's URL is, changing the URL to hides the performance banners.

    If there is already an appended URL parameter, add &hidePerf=1 to the URL. For example, if the application's URL is, changing the URL to hides the performance banners.

    The application reloads without performance banners.

Remove ?hidePerf=1 from the URL to show performance banners.

The ?hidePerf=0 query string will not be recognized if the clientPerfStatusEnabled property is explicitly set to false in the environment file.

Navigating performance banners

If a portlet performs more than one request, you can navigate between the metrics for each one in the performance banner. Performance banners can contain information for up to five requests.

To navigate between requests in a performance banner:

  1. Open a NexJ application that has performance banners enabled.
  2. Locate a portlet with navigation controls on the left side of the performance banner.
  3. Click either of the controls to view performance details about the requests it has performed:
    • Use the Left Arrow button 
       to view the previous request.
    • Use the Right Arrow button 
       to view a more recent request.

You have viewed performance metrics about each the portlet's requests.

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