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Monitoring user interface errors

Log messages generated by a user interacting with the user interface are logged in the same log files as your other application log messages. For more information about log files, see Monitoring Model Server and Logging.

Log messages associated with user interface interactions are displayed in the following format:

; 17:39:03,125 DEBUG [GlobalEnvironment] (0002a35b) ts= 2020-01-23 22:39:03.001000000 ctxUrl= msg: Processing message [object Object]: openDialog

To reduce the number of log messages, you can set the log level. The following levels of logging detail are available in Log4j, in order of importance: FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, and ALL. When you set the log level, all log messages of that level or higher are included in the log files. For example, if you set the log level to WARN, only messages with WARN, ERROR, or FATAL levels will be included in the log file.

To set the log level, specify the following attribute in the configuration file for the Log4j utility. By default, this file is called


If you are running your application from the NexJ Studio console, you can also specify this attribute in the Scheme Console Settings page of the Preferences dialog. The log messages will be displayed in the Console tab as well as included in the log file.

JavaScript errors detected

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