Resolved issues
Previously, the "datetime" picker was used for "date" attributes in ad hoc reporting filters. It was necessary to specify the "time" component even though it was not applicable and prevented certain reporting use-cases from being possible. This issue has been resolved.
Previously, when your system administrator configured CSV exports in NexJ System Admin Console so that duplicate data related to the parent record in the Details tab was not shown in exported spreadsheets, and you performed a CSV export, unexpected records were shown in the spreadsheet for attributes that were 1:1 associations. This issue has been resolved.
Previously, adding a “date” type attribute, such as a Date of Birth, in a report resulted in its value being treated as “datetime”, and it was localized to the local user’s time zone. This issue has been resolved.
Previously, when the Max CSV collections attribute was set to a low value in NexJ System Admin Console on the Statistics page for export settings for reports, and you created a report with collection fields, and exported the report to CSV format, some collection fields were not exported. This issue has been resolved.
An issue where a mismatched dialog displayed upon adding a new filter chip has been resolved.
Previously, the "datetime" picker was used for "date" attributes in ad hoc reporting filters. It was necessary to specify the "time" component even though it was not applicable and prevented certain reporting use-cases from being possible. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that resulted in some proxy configuration items being excluded from the OAuth request to retrieve a token has been resolved.
When you have access to households in NexJ CRM, and you add columns to the data table on the Contacts workspace, the new columns now consistently display to the right of the fixed columns such as Icon and Name.
An issue that caused Next Touch dates to not be properly generated between 12 AM and 4 AM EST has been resolved.
Previously, when you created a new report, removed the default calculation in the Summary tab, added a new calculation, saved the report, and clicked Update Report, an "Invalid Aggregator" error message was thrown in the Summary tab. This issue has been resolved. If you remove all the calculation functions for a report, the default calculation function is added automatically, which counts all records.
Previously, when you created a private category on the Customize workspace, added this category to a contact, logged in as another user, and selected the Detail tab for the same contact, the Delete button for the category was available on the Categories card instead of being disabled. This issue has been resolved.
Process Management forms no longer display with double scroll bars when you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer.
An issue that meant that a user was unexpectedly able to type or paste more than 2000 characters into a reply to a conversation has been resolved.
As issue that meant that the data tables displayed the wrong count of items when the parent and child associations were of the same class has been resolved.
An issue that meant that the French enum filter caption had a duplicate header has been resolved.
Previously, when you added a filter on a workspace, and switched locales, the name of the filter erroneously changed back to the default filter name for the selected locale. This issue has been resolved.
The load indicator now extends to the full width of all dialogs.
Previously, if you attempted to include a table as part of sending batch emails, recipients having a Gmail account saw distorted table data. This issue has been resolved.
Using the "not equals" operator to filter a collection of records now gives results as expected.
Previously, when you created a new activity plan in the Activity Plans tab on the Customize workspace, added a new step, selected Related Entity in the For section, and clicked Add in the Related entity field, the Select a custom field type dialog appeared instead of the Select related entity dialog. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that meant that a filter chip dialog could become unresponsive after attempting to select more than 1000 items has been resolved.
You can now add activity plans for a contact from the Activities card in the Summary tab and the Activities tab.
An issue where an error occurred when launching a dialog containing a reference to a filter-enabled picker has been resolved.
Export log tasks no longer show up without a standing status. Instead, they show up with a completed status.
Previously, tasks with the same due date on the My Tasks card in the Summary tab on the Home workspace were sorted in a random order instead of being grouped by due date, and then sorted by due date and then start date. This issue has been resolved.
An issue where the dynamic caption portion of a default filter chip showed as blank has been resolved.
Previously, when you navigated to the Contacts workspace, added the Category filter field with the not equals operator enabled, selected a category and applied the filter, the not equal operator was ignored for contacts who had multiple categories, and the data table displayed the wrong list of contacts. This issue has been resolved.
As issue that meant that NexJ Studio didn't display the required template file for selection when recreating databases has been resolved.
An issue that meant that the wrong finance mixin was picked up in the financereport project if the last mixin came from a different finance branch has been resolved.
In the NexJ Studio Presentation layer, the controls shown for a layout in the Layout tab now automatically display in the Outline view.
An issue that mean when you clicked the Notifications button in the application toolbar an unexpected error was thrown has been resolved.
Previously, when a calculated attribute referenced an associated attribute with a class configured for instance or class caching, the query generator read instances from the cache instead of the database, which caused problems when the association was a collection, as the generated query was non-performant. This issue has been resolved.
The default readTimeout has been increased to 30 seconds for SMTP mail channels.
An issue where the requestTimeout parameter on a Kafka channel was being ignored has been resolved.
An issue where intermittent integration exceptions occurred for HTTP connections configured with proactive authentication has been resolved.
An issue where requests contained multiple entries of the NexJ-Logout-Date cookie with a conflicting Samesite attribute has been resolved.
The ability to select a year in date-type fields is supported for iOS devices.
Previously, when you tried to run a contact report on an iOS device, an error displayed and the report was not generated. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that meant when you used an iPhone, you were unable to paste text into the rich text editor, such as when sending a batch email, has been resolved.
An issue that threw an invalid query exception when two users attempted to modify the same field for the same household or company has been resolved.
The right-click menu for Schedule workspace items has been made available for mobile devices.
An issue that meant when you attempted to create a schedule item on a mobile device that was running Chrome, you were possibly unable to set the start date has been resolved.
An issue where all-day inbound meetings synchronized from Microsoft Exchange were displayed as spanning two days in NexJ CRM has been resolved.
Previously, when a delegate created a schedule item on someone else's calendar, the Assign to field incorrectly defaulted to the delegate's name when the delegate used the drag-and-drop functionality to create a schedule item on their own calendar, and then created a schedule item on someone else's calendar, while leaving their own calendar open. This issue has been resolved.
Previously, if a text-based filter chip used the equals
operator with multiple values, and you changed it to use the contains
operator, you received an error. This issue has been resolved.
Previously, the Date filter chip on detail pages for NexJ CRM workspaces did not respect a user's local time zone. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that threw a uniqueness constraint error when you created a list on the Filters and lists page, modified its name, and then attempted to create a new list with the original name, has been resolved.
Previously, any integer-driven fields linked to the application banner displayed only non-zero values. Field values of zero appeared as empty in the banner. This issue has been resolved.
Previously, the equals today operator for the Date filter chip on detail pages for NexJ CRM workspaces was based on the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) standard and did not account for a user's local time zone. This issue has been resolved.
Previously, when a call to open a dialog had isEdit specified as false, multipicker fields failed to populate. This issue has been resolved.
Previously, when you selected two currency values for a currency field filter on the Opportunities workspace when currency conversion was enabled an unexpected error was thrown. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that caused the UI to freeze on the Schedule workspace has been resolved.
An issue where having three or more menus linked to the tools of a UI table caused a client-side error has been resolved.
An issue where the caption for an enumeration picker was being derived from the enumeration name instead of the corresponding enumeration caption has been resolved.
Previously, when you used Mozilla Firefox, frozen columns in data tables displayed at the rightmost side instead of the leftmost side of the tables. This column ordering issue has been resolved.
Previously, the load indicator did not display when you clicked a button that was available from the floating action button or clicked the Add button in a multiple selection dialog. This issue has been resolved.
An issue where a multiple selection dialog with a required field could block subsequent submission of selections has been resolved.
An issue where the filter card asterisk, which indicates that the filter has been modified, would remain even after you reset the filter card has been resolved.
An issue that meant that you were unable to add steps when creating a new activity plan has been resolved.
An issue that threw an unexpected error in the Conversations tab when navigating between different contacts has been resolved.
An issue that occurred because users were not prevented from deleting entity lists created by batch processes has been resolved.
An issue that meant that the ElementPosition linter rule did not ignore changes merged from Finance has been resolved.
Previously, the icon picker in NexJ Studio didn't work. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that meant that you could open an uncustomized filter file in the Presentation application layer in NexJ Studio, select Fields > Appearance, and select or clear Persistent has been resolved.
An issue that meant that the validation failed for metadata resource flags has been resolved.
Previously, when an administrator reactivated a user's Exchange synchronization links, the initial interaction updates from that reactivation were linked to the administrator rather than the user whose links they were. This issue has been resolved.
A non-functional issue with streaming notifications for Microsoft Exchange that resulted in numerous integration exceptions being written daily to the logs has been resolved.
An issue that meant that when the server launched it did not warn you that the folder mixin was not usable with current plugin has been resolved.
An issue that meant that validation exceptions on the JSON/REST server threw error codes with a 500 HTTP response status has been resolved.
To avoid excessive lazy load during recurrence expansion, clients can now customize the SCHEDULE_ITEM_RECURRENCE_PATTERN.ATTRIBUTES_TO_PRELOAD_FOR_RECURRENCE
attribute to include existingOccurrence
attributes referenced during the recurrence expansion.
Previously, when a user changed the "name" of an AddressType in NexJ Admin Console, and the type
attribute for the Address
class had updateAudit=true
, a lazy load occurred that loaded all Address
objects of that type. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that caused the Calendar field in Contact Search to become unresponsive has been resolved.
A feature where some authentication protocols would previously allow integration channel receivers set up for basic authentication to use container authentication is no longer supported. Instead, if container authentication is required for the HTTP channel receiver, then you must change the channel authentication from "basic" to "container."
Updates have been made to the query optimizer to improve the performance of queries involving the QueuedProcessEntity table, specifically those queries that include an OR operation of several OID values.
An issue that meant that you could not delete an individual contact created from a coverage group on the Contacts workspace has been resolved.
An issue that caused a partial display of .extreport
files in NexJ Studio has been resolved.
An issue that caused a "401 - Please authenticate error" after some elapsed period while using the system has been resolved.
An issue that caused you to receive an unexpected error if you sorted your activity items by due date has been resolved.
Previously, charts that used a CustomView with type=mda:Gauge
did not display correctly. This issue has been resolved.
Previously, when you logged into NexJ CRM, and tried to create a schedule item, the linear progress indicator did not always complete after loading NexJ CRM, which meant all of the commit buttons remained disabled. This issue has been resolved.
As issue that caused the performance banner to be unresponsive when a dialog was opened or fields were modified has been resolved.
An issue where some remote logging messages from the 9.X UI triggered null pointer exceptions has been resolved.
An issue that meant that incorrect data was displayed in column stacked charts with multiple y-axes has been resolved.
An issue that caused duplication of the For and Owner subtitles in the preview data tables for visualizations has been resolved.
An issue that meant that when you created filters for reports that used associations the filtered results could be inaccurate has been resolved.
Previously, when a month was used as a grouping function for a report, and the report was exported to XLSX, PDF, or HTML, the month names included in the exported file were not always accurate. This issue has been resolved.
Previously, when you modified a task on the Tasks workspace by removing a user from the Assign To field, and selecting the same user in the Assign To field, and you attempted to save the task, you received a "Task violates a uniqueness constraint" error. This issue has been resolved.
AFL-3723, AFL-3942
The rendering of dates in NexJ CRM, including those in activity audit trails and notifications, has been improved to more reliably display according to the locale specified by the user's browser language.
When the available screen space for a data table become too narrow to show all of the columns, the responsive design of the UI allows the data to instead display as a list. However, previous to this release, it was possible for the data display in a multi-column card to change from a table to a list, but then not change back. With this release, the behavior has been corrected, and the display of the data can move properly between the two display styles as the available screen space changes.
An issue has been fixed that caused half-hour meetings to display only the description information when viewed in the Schedule workspace.
The North American area code 672 is now recognized as valid by the CRM system.
Previously, when a filter card made use of an Assign To picker, and when a user opened the control, it occasionally was empty. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that caused inline frames to reload, leading to performance issues, has been fixed.
Users configured with Exchange Synchronization and who add another user to the Assign To field of a meeting no longer receive unexpected errors when they send the invitation.
Previously, when you navigated to the Contacts workspace, clicked on Manage filters and lists, added a list, refreshed your browser, and repeated the procedure, the dialog layout for the OK and Cancel buttons changed each time you refreshed your browser. This issue has been resolved.
An issue has been fixed that allowed users to reach a situation in which no CRM data would load until an administrator reset their client state.
An issue that caused an unexpected error when you navigated to the Schedule workspace, created a meeting, and navigated to other workspaces without performing any additional actions, has been resolved.
Previously, when you selected the Start Date or Due Date filter chips, selected the between operator, and entered the upper and lower bound dates, the results only showed up to the upper bound date minus 1 day. This issue has been resolved.
When you select Show Activities from Children on the Activities tab for a company or household, those activities are now also reflected in the Activities by Type chart on the Summary tab.
An issue has been fixed in which access-restricted properties (hidden from a user's view) caused errors when the user attempted to update other fields.
A filter issue in which the indeterminate data load progress indicator would display indefinitely, potentially blocking subsequent operations, has been fixed.
An issue has been fixed that made it difficult to enter data into the Name field for new reports.
You are now able to sort the data in the Reports workspace by Subject Area or by Creator as expected.
An issue has been fixed in which, in rare cases, emails sent out by a scheduled run of a report did not always have the details of the report attached in a .csv file.
The Clear Filters button is now active when you first navigate to the Filters tab of the report builder.
If you make changes to a scheduled report, those changes are now emailed to its recipients according to the specified schedule. Previously, copies of the report would also be created and emailed whenever changes to the report were saved.
The Probability filter field in the Deals report now interprets the value you enter as a percent value from 0 to 100. Previously, it interpreted the value of a pure probability value between 0 and 1.
The rendering of reports to PDF has been improved so that long descriptions no longer run off the page.
An issue in the classic UI in which a maximized task popup resized itself if you added an attachment has been fixed.
The Exchange Synch subscription error count now resets correctly when disabling links.
An inbound synch behavior that could lead to a high number of messages on the ExchangeServiceQueueExchangeServiceQueue has been improved to reduce queue size.
A fix has been introduced to reduce the frequency of OptimisticLockException errors related to the use of ExchangeSubscription during streaming.
An issue has been fixed that could trigger a high volume of err.sync.outboundServiceProtocolError errors due to use of an invalid XML element during outbound contact synchronization.
The algorithm used to parse Exchange Sync messages has been updated in ordeer to distinguish cases of a double-space being used as a delimiter from cases of a double-space forming part of the body of a message. This change stops streaming connections from triggering large numbers of false unexpected error.
A user's ability to make selections in the Security tab for acts (such as schedule items) now properly reflects the value of the Enable editing the security for instances of this template option in the specific act's template.s.
When you change the activity template associated with a task, the Status drop-down in the New Task or Edit Task dialog no longer continues to display the statuses applicable to the previous activity template.
On the Document Manager workspace, documents no longer appear to have unclickable hyperlinks.
When you try to delete a product from a parent opportunity or a product opportunity, the confirmation message is now clearer.
In the Stages tab of the Edit Opportunity Template dialog, the Edit button is no longer enabled for users without the correct permissions.
The View Access tab in the Set Permissions dialog on the Schedule workspace now includes assistive text to guide users through the use of the page.
You can now add a user to a contact's coverage more than once with the same coverage role.
When you select an entity and create a new list to add the entity to, the Type drop-down in the New List dialog no longer includes irrelevant list types.
The vertical height of the entity banner is now updated immediately when corresponding new data is added.
Switching quickly between filters no longer results in the display of data from unselected filters.
An issue affecting migration from NexJ CRM 9.2 to later versions has been addressed. The issue only affected deployments using Oracle as their database, and caused a database reseed failure.
Contact information updated through the Addresses card of the Detail tab now propagates as expected to the entity banner.
This fix reintroduces the ability to view departments in the hierarchy information for a contact.
Even though you are able to view the departments within this information, you are unable to navigate to them.
An issue that sometimes caused the Delegated Task Report to time out has been fixed.
An issue that caused repeated error notifications when a user had more than 4096 alarms in their queue has been resolved.
The queries used to fetch the data for the Schedule workspace week and month views has been updated in order to reduce the number of binds required, and improve overall performance.
An unneeded dependency on nexj/ui/portal present in the afl-mda project, and affecting all metadata portlets, has been removed. Previously, this dependency statement made it impossible to deploy a remote portlet without also deploying a copy of the portal server.
The performance of the Service Request workspace's data table was improved by removing a hidden column (Assign To).
An issue has been fixed, which caused API calls to a subclass to run as if the API for the parent class had been called. Schema inheritance from a parent class is now supported, which means that an API resource can inherit a schema without further schema configuration if the parent class already has a schema definition. This minimizes configurations for subclasses when a schema definition already exists for the parent class.
An issue has been fixed that caused workspaces connected to Jasper Server to reset while users navigated to other areas of the product.
The Notification sidebar has been widened slightly in order to eliminate an overlap of the notification's time stamp and the Mark as Read button.
Previously, the banner back button erroneously displayed upon return from another workspace that was initially launched from the navigator using a custom script. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that sometimes caused the captions on default filter fields to fail to render properly has been fixed.
An issue that caused a Mozilla Firefox browser error, when a user navigated to the Reports workspace, has been resolved.
An issue has been fixed, which had caused the Reporting workspace to repeatedly recreate itself and generate unneeded network traffic.
An issue that sometimes caused errors when updating report-related cards in dashboards has been resolved.
You can now successfully use the Specified/Unspecified search option on the description field when generating reports. Previously, this field was effectively ignored when set to Specified, and blocked all results when set to Unspecified.
This fix will only affects reports that have been created or edited after updating If you have an older report that makes use of this criterion, you should open it, edit it, and resave it.
An issue that sometimes stopped data from loading in the My Reports tab of the Reports workspace had been resolved.
Report summaries and dashboard with empty result sets can now be exported.
When a Process Management form has a checkbox that must be selected to proceed, its state is now properly validated.
The relamless
flag in the getUniqueName event of the user.meta class has been replaced with the authNaming property. This completes the replacement of the relamless
flag across the product, which began in Version 8.9. You should notice no change to behavior due to this update.
The Generate Upgrade Steps tool now correctly identifies and generates upgrade steps for models that make use of augments.
The Database Schema Tool in NexJ Studio no longer generates mismatched versions and namespaces in SQL upgrade scripts for mixin data source
The generation of schemas for use in data integration using Avro messages is now consistent in its use of namespaces. This enables easier preregistration of Avro schemas if required for use with NexJ Data Bridge.
An issue that caused validation errors to trigger server error 50e0 rather than just displaying the validation error text has been corrected.
Changes have been made to reduce or eliminate the likelihood of processing errors if a reminder dialog is left open for a significant period of time (10+ minutes) before being dismissed.
An issue that meant that you could not navigate to an instance from a link in a JasperReports Server report has been resolved.
Previously, when you added an event to a top level tool in the portal metadata, and defined the corresponding UIAction in a Broker portlet, the event was not fired. This issue has been resolved.
Previously, when you clicked the Share Report button

Previously, you were unable to use the Aging Open Deals ad hoc report in a dashboard. This issue has been resolved.
Previously, when you created a new Deals report, selected the Visualization tab, cleared Add Grouping, clicked Add Y-Axis,and selected Count of All Deals, the related data did not display in the chart. This issue has been resolved.
Previously, when you edited an ad hoc report you could not modify filters that used operators. This issue has been resolved.
Previously, and during a reseed, a null pointer exception was caused by disabling a subject area (enabled="false") using a reporting augment. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that caused a checksum mismatch after you started a 9.X build, deployed using IBM WebSphere, has been resolved.
Previously, the buttons width exceeded the warning dialog width when you deleted a meeting with multiple Assign To users in another user's calendar on the Schedule workspace, edited or deleted a recurring schedule item in another user's calendar, or added a user coverage group to a contact in the Detail tab. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that meant that you could not add and edit notes and resolution comments for service requests in the Detail tab has been resolved.
Previously, when you had a filter chip with a custom field enabled on the Contacts workspace, and you created a new custom field from a contact's Detail tab (with a different name than the existing custom field), added it to the contact, and navigated back to the Contacts data table, the new filter chip displayed the pre-existing custom field's name. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that caused the Show available actions floating action button for performance statistics not to work for independent dialogs has been resolved.
An issue that meant when you accessed a contact’s record from a direct link or a third-party application, the default contact for a task or schedule item was not set appropriately has been resolved.
Previously, when you opened a New Interaction dialog, opened the Select entities dialog from the For field, selected the Companies filter, searched for and added a company, closed the Select entities dialog and reopened it, your search was not reset. This issue has been resolved.
Previously, when you navigated to any workspace with filters, clicked the Filter options button

Previously, on the Contacts workspace, when you filtered entity data using the State filter chip you received unexpected and inconsistent results. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that meant that you could not double-click on a row in the data table on the Tasks workspace to open the Edit dialog has been resolved.
Previously, when you used the text name search in the Assign To field for a task, the search used a prefix search to return values that started with certain letters instead of a search that found values that contained certain letters. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that meant when you used Safari on iOS, two taps were required when attempting to use a hyperlink within a data table has been resolved. For touch-enabled devices, the row toolbar for data tables has been reduced to include one More Actions button

Previously, when you had multiple alarms displaying in a Reminders dialog, you changed the snooze settings for the alarms, and clicked the Snooze button for one alarm, all alarms reverted back to their default settings. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that meant when you used the Country filter chip on the Contacts workspace, the list of countries was not sorted alphabetically has been resolved.
Previously, when you navigated to the Contacts workspace, selected multiple contacts, clicked the More Actions button

An issue that meant when the Hierarchical Access Model was enabled, you were unable to filter using a division, subfirm, or branch has been resolved.
Previously, you were unable to filter contacts using User Fields filter chips. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that meant that you were not successfully directed to another tab within the same workspace because a UI event was not invoked has been resolved.
An issue that meant that links for names on the Customize workspace were not clickable has been resolved.
An issue that meant your client session was not cleared when you closed your browser has been resolved.
An issue reading parameters in the range input control has been resolved.
An issue that meant that the Classification permission field was missing when email was saved from Microsoft Outlook, and when the user opened it in NexJ CRM, has been resolved.
An issue that caused the visibility of some menu items to not dynamically update when conditions changed has been resolved.
Previously, when you added a custom field for a selected contact in the Detail tab on the Contacts workspace, and clicked on an entity name in the Select an entity dialog to select it, the selection in the dialog was not highlighted as expected. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that meant that when an environment's database schema was recreated and deployed with the bireport flag enabled (meta.bireport.enabled=true
in the development environment file), and then re-deployed with the bireport flag disabled, the server generated an error in the finance instance console, has been resolved.
An issue that meant that on the Reports workspace, if you created a report, clicked on the Select button

An issue where an entity to which a user did not have access was being pre-populated, has been resolved. While the dialog shows entities that the user cannot see, when the dialog opens, the entity that the user cannot see will not be displayed. The selected count will show as 1 selected, but there will be no checkmark on any of the entities as the selected entity is hidden in the dialog.
An issue that meant that when you used Process Management forms, and a MM picker value was calculated using the value formula from another field, the user interface would not refresh has been resolved.
An issue with the Apache Avro message formatter where messages namespaced by colons would generate errors has been resolved.
An issue that caused a Recurrence.testSeriesRangeUI unit test failure related to the Daylight Savings Time change period has been resolved.
An issue in which errors in recovering messages led to a semaphore leak, and performance degradation, has been fixed.
The use of the space character is now supported when you use Windows batch scripts to specify the JAVA_HOME path for the Push Redirector.
Issues caused by changes included with Google Chrome version 80 and later, and that prevent the user state from being saved as intended when the user closes or navigates away from a particular page, have been resolved.
An issue that caused Apache Ant calls failure for build.xml
during deployment for the websphere.config
target, when you are using Java 1.8, has been resolved.
Default SMTP timeouts including connectionTimeout, readTimeout, and writeTimeout have been added to the mail channel to avoid threads hanging when sending mail.
The jTDS drivers in this release have been patched with a fix from jTDS 1.2.3. This patch addresses an infinite loop condition that can occur if a database connection dies during a batch job.
An issue that caused an SQL deadlock when executing a batch update has been resolved.
An issue that generated a UI error when you attempted to load a workspace, which was associated with a service persisted class, has been resolved.
A refresh issue that prevented the entity banner from being updated when switching between items within a workspace has been resolved.
An issue that caused validation logic to be applied in the UI, even when the corresponding dependency was discharged, has been resolved.
An issue that caused data table columns to be completely hidden when you resized the NexJ CRM user interface because the right and left chevron buttons in the header row for a data table could become hidden has been resolved.
The Business Phone Number column in the Contacts data table is now named correctly.
The ability for end users to change the time zone for their activities is supported.
An issue where sluggish performance would be observed upon performing a multi-select operation has been addressed by constraining the selection limit to 1000 records by default. The contacts multi-select limit is further reduced to 300 records within pickers.
An issue that caused the table carousel to be completely hidden when you resized the NexJ CRM user interface has been resolved.
Prior to this release, when you clicked a filter chip to select the values you wanted to filter by, for example, when you clicked the Company filter chip on the Contacts workspace, values longer than a certain character limit appeared cut off and no tooltip was displayed to assist with the selection. This issue has been resolved.
Prior to this release, the Status field was visible in filters and dialogs related to service requests, even when the email-to-service-request functionality was not enabled. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that caused the application to drill down to the contact detail but the menu to continue to display, when you used an Apple iPhone to access NexJ CRM, tapped a More Actions menu, and tapped the name of an entity below the menu, has been resolved.
Prior to this release, when an activity template was deactivated, an Information icon to indicate the deactivation was missing. This issue has now been resolved.
Prior to this release, when you had a parent company that had child companies, the Hierarchy tab on the Contacts workspace did not display the parent company's child companies correctly. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that caused an error to be thrown when you clicked the Manage filters and lists button

Prior to this release, when a large value, such as 16387264983275494356, was entered in a field expecting an integer value, validation might not take place and an unexpected error might display. This issue has been resolved.
Previously, when you added position information to a contact's Company field, it was not visible in the Hierarchy tab. This has been resolved.
Prior to this release, filtering the Contacts data table by a custom field that only allowed quick picks did not retrieve results even if matching records exist. This issue has been resolved.
Prior to this release, when creating a schedule item, if you created another schedule item, task, or document from the Related tab of the schedule item, and then added another related item to the first related item, changes to all the three items were saved when you clicked OK in the lowest nested dialog, before you clicked OK in the parent dialog. This issue has been resolved.
Prior to this release, if you had access to a contact but not to the company they were associated with, adding that contact to the For field of an activity resulted in an unexpected error when you tried to save the change. This issue has been resolved.
Prior to this release, captions exceeding 20 characters in multi-selection pickers were truncated and shown with an ellipsis appended at the end. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that caused an unexpected error when you opened a dialog (for example, when you edited a task), closed it without making any changes, and then performed subsequent actions (for example, deleted the task or marked it complete), has been resolved.
When assigning all users to a task on the Tasks workspace, not all the users' pictures were displaying. This has been resolved.
Prior to this release, when a user clicked the Snooze button, the Reminder dialog sometimes reopened immediately, or did not appear to close. This happened if the clocks of the client workstation and the servers got out of sync with each other by a number of minutes. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that enabled you to double-click on data tables rows to view read-only fields in the Edit dialog in some cases but not in others, and caused inconsistent availability of the Edit button

An issue where the incorrect header was displaying for the Edit List and Edit Filter dialogs has been resolved.
An issue that enabled end users to remove default filter chips in the Select filter fields dialog has been resolved.
An issue that caused duplicate list queries from the navigator table on the Opportunities, Tasks, and Service Requests workspaces has been resolved.
An issue that caused NexJ CRM to become unresponsive when you clicked the Manage filters and lists button

Prior to this release, when users created a filter chip for a string filter field, the starts with
and ends with
filter operators did not display for selection. This issue has been resolved.
Browser-based spell check is now supported. For example, if you have configured Google Chrome to enable enhanced spell check, your browser identifies spelling errors, and you can right-click on misspelled words, and choose corrections from a browser supplied list.
Prior to this release, if you used Google Chrome as your browser, and you navigated to the Contacts, Opportunities, or Service Requests workspaces, added filter chips, and lowered the resolution of your browser, the captions might not display in the Select filter fields dialog. This issue has been resolved.
Previously, when selecting a client in the For field of an Opportunity and attempting to use type-ahead functionality, you could only access the first 10 items of the candidate list. Now, when you type a letter in the field and there are more than nine responses, there is a More option. Clicking on More opens a multiple selection dialog.
An issue that caused the end time for a daily recurring schedule item to propagate incorrectly near the end of the month when you selected after and entered 1 day in the End Time field in the Recurrence tab, and navigated to the Detail tab to view the End Date field, has been resolved.
Prior to this release, an issue caused the default contact icon to display for companies that didn't have an image in the For field picker in the New Task dialog. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that caused the filter field change event to be called unnecessarily when you clicked on the Filter Options button

An issue that generated an error because decimal numbers were rounding incorrectly in the Expected Amount field in the New Parent Opportunity dialog has been resolved.
An issue that caused NexJ CRM to round to the next month, when you used the (date-add 'month)
function, and you started with a timestamp of the last day of the month, has been resolved.
Prior to this release, when you selected a view other than today on the Schedule workspace, and then selected the Today menu option, the calendar didn't change to display today's schedule. This issue has been resolved.
Prior to this release, if a user's time zone was sufficiently offset from that of the application server, then when a coverage group was added to a contact, the start dates associated with corresponding users were different by a day. This issue has been resolved.
In an entity's banner, the full physical address can now be viewed without having to hover it.
Prior to this release, you were unable to search for contacts by first name or last name in the text search field on the Contacts workspace. This issue has been resolved and full name search is no longer available. Searches using wildcards are still supported.
Users can now successfully dismiss all alarms by clicking the Dismiss All button.
An issue with the For field not updating to the current entity after navigating to the entity through the Hierarchy tab has been resolved.
An issue where the For field filter on the Tasks workspace was a single selection dialog rather than a multiple selection dialog, has been resolved.
Prior to this release, if you were granted the AuditLogView privilege that made the Audit tab visible to you, you created a new contact, and edited the contact's Tier field, an unexpected error was thrown. This issue has been resolved.
Prior to this release, when you added a parent or product opportunity on the Opportunities workspace, you added a coverage group to the Team card, and then you attempted to delete the coverage group by clicking Remove Coverage Group, a scripting error was thrown. This issue has been resolved.
An issue where Set!
in the onSubmit
caused an unexpected error at compilation, has been resolved.
An issue where "Not visible" was displaying in the For field of an Advisory note rather than the contact's name, has been resolved.
Prior to this release, when you created a new augment for an existing class using NexJ Studio, created a static event for the augment, and referenced the event in the class, for which the augment was created, NexJ Studio exhibited the following behaviors:
- If you used the class name of the augment to call the event, no validation error was generated but the run-time code failed.
- If you called the event with the original class name, the script editor threw an error, there was no run-time error but a framework validation error was generated.
This issue has been resolved.
An issue that caused NexJ CRM to freeze and generate an error, when you selected a report type on the Contacts workspace using Mozilla Firefox version 67, has been resolved.
An issue that caused the application data to not load in parallel in your development environment, when you set the concurrentLoadingEnabled
property to true
in an environment file, has been resolved.
The JavaScript parser has been fixed to allow instance attributes of an object to be set.
An issue that caused errors when you performed multiple "Reload All" metadata hotswaps in NexJ Studio and refreshed NexJ CRM has been resolved.
In order to reduce the potential for startup failures, the default heap size for the NexJ Push Redirector has been changed to 1024 MB.
An issue that caused an update on a proxy class with service persistence to return an RPC response with old values has been resolved.
Prior to this release, for deployments using the Hierarchical Access Model for security, users with delegated access could not create a schedule item and then later select the Restrict access to users in the Assign To option. This issue has now been resolved.
When a user starts creating a new contact or activity and then closes the dialog before saving, they will now receive a confirmation message that all the information entered so far in the dialog will be lost.
An issue that caused extra white space to display below the Schedules user list on the Schedule workspace when you resized your browser has been resolved.
An issue that caused the target page to appear with an undesirable offset when a stepper was embedded in a portal application has been resolved.
An issue that prevented you from adding any additional filter chips to filters, which leverage custom logic for filter chip initialization, has been resolved.
Prior to this release, when you created a follow-up task from an existing activity's Related tab, it was assigned to you by default, regardless of how that task type was configured on the Customize workspace. This issue has been resolved.
Prior to this release, if you added a note to an entity record with the edit security set to private, other users were able to add attachments to the note, effectively editing the note. This issue has been resolved.
An issue that meant that, when you edited a dashboard on the Reports workspace, report titles did not display as expected has been resolved.