To update the object count, click the Refresh button .
To retrieve the preview data, and update the Message and Data subtabs, click Load Preview Data.
In the Data subtab, review the current data for a view. You can sort the data in the columns by ascending or descending order.
Click the links for collections in the Data subtab to view the included fields of the collection together with the default collection field.
Collections can be identified by their default fields in views. The default field is displayed in views to represent the selected collection whether the default field is selected or not (for example, the default field for the Activities collection is the Description field).
In the Message subtab, review the output message structure formatted in JSON. If you have selected the Apache Avro message format for snapshot publishing and streaming exports in the Publishing Options tab on the Create View page, you can generate a .json file that contains the Avro schema by clicking Export Avro Schema. For more information about selecting the Avro message format, see Creating views.
In the Data subtab and Message subtab, you can review the estimated number of records (items) that will be exported for a snapshot before you publish the snapshot. To refresh the number of records, click the Refresh button . The displayed timestamp will also update to show the date and time when you refreshed the number of records.
In the About tab, review information for the view that includes: the view's subject area name, the date when the view was last updated, the amount of records, the Kafka topic name and format, selected publishing options, if applicable, the next scheduled run time of the view, and the fields and filters that have been selected for the view definition.
From the View Details page, you can:
Publish the view to export the data from NexJ CRM to the publishing endpoint (Kafka, delimited file, HTTP file, or JSON file) by clicking the Publish Snapshot button , and selecting the publishing target.
Make changes to the view by clicking the Edit button
Perform the following actions by clicking the More Actions button and selecting a menu option:
Export the view's raw data and JSON definition by selecting Export Definition. If you have selected publishing options for the view on the Create View page, these options will also be exported with the JSON definition.
If you have selected the Avro message format for either or both snapshot publishing and streaming exports on the Create View page, export the Avro schema for the view as a .json file by selecting Export Avro Schema.
On the Create View page, and in the Data subtab, the collections icon indicates that the field is a collection. Click on the icon to see the fields of the collection that you added to the view. To add more fields from a collection to a view, you must add the fields to the view in the Add Fields dialog for the view.
Contacts can be assigned the Advisory product in the Advisory Services type of products on the Opportunities workspace or in the Opportunities tab for a contact. Mutual fund and mortgage products are also assigned on the Opportunities workspace or in the Opportunities tab for a contact. For more information about the Opportunities workspace and Opportunities tab, see "Creating and managing opportunities" in the end user documentation.
When a Products collection is included in a view, you can click a collection name link in the Data subtab to view which contact the collection is associated with, and which products, and the default field for the collection, which is Name. The following screenshot shows the dialog that displays when you click a link of the collection name. In this example, the contact has one product, which displays in the Products data table.
Products example
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