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Schedule Synchronization known issues and workarounds

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Private and recurring meetings

Synchronization is not currently supported for the following types of schedule items. A schedule item of this type created in NexJ CRM is not reflected in your Outlook calendar. A meeting of this type created in the Outlook calendar is not reflected in NexJ CRM calendar.

  • All-day meetings with security set to Private.

  • Meetings with multiple participants and security set to Private.

  • Recurring meetings in the regular recurring meeting schedule. Schedule items that are exceptions to the recurring schedule are synchronized.

In addition, for schedule items that are successfully synchronized, some specific features may not be fully supported.

Meeting reminders

  • Meetings created in Outlook and synchronized to NexJ CRM have the NexJ CRM default reminder.

  • Meetings created in NexJ CRM and synchronized to Outlook have the Outlook default reminder.

Users can change the reminder settings for any individual meeting.

Links to online meetings

Links to online meeting applications such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom Meetings are currently included as plain text, not hyperlinks, due to security concerns.

For meetings created in Outlook, the link to the meeting is displayed in the body of the synchronized NexJ CRM schedule items, not in the Location field.

Attendee statuses

When a meeting is created in NexJ CRM, the response status of the invited meeting attendees is synchronized to Outlook. After this, any changes to attendee response status in NexJ CRM are not synchronized to Outlook.

However, any changes to attendee response status in Outlook are automatically synchronized to NexJ CRM, which also means that any previously set status in NexJ CRM is overwritten by the status change in Outlook.

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