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Creating the reporting database

Use a dedicated reporting environment to offload the heavy load which is placed on a database by queries for report generation or data analysis.

Standard day to day operations of NexJ CRM should not be bogged down if generating a large report, or if the system needs to generate many reports during a processing window.

With the data residing in separate databases, real-time data synchronization becomes important. Based on some real world use cases, it may be sufficient that data within the reporting environment is a day or even a week behind the operational system. However there are many more real world use cases that need the data to be reportable instantly.

To create the reporting database:

  1. In NexJ Studio, in the Deployment layer, in the Environments tab, open the .connections or .environment file for your server.
  2. In the Data Source Connections tab, add a connection to the BI_1_BI_Database data source. Configure the connection to use a different database for storing BI data.
  3. In NexJ Studio, click the drop-down arrow next to the Run Tool button  and select Database Schema Tool.
  4. In the Server and Connections section, select the files for the server.
  5. In the Command field, select setup.
  6. In the Data Source field, select BI_1_BI_Database.
  7. Complete other fields in the dialog as appropriate and click Run. This generates the <model>_BI_1_BI_Database_setup.sql file in the folder specified in the Output Directory field.
  8. Using your database management software, execute the  <model>_BI_1_BI_Database_setup.sql script to create the new database. Verify that the script worked by looking for the new database added by the script.

After you create the reporting database, you must setup the environment by recreating all data sources.

Setting up the reporting environment