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Registering Model Server as a service

If desired, you can register NexJ Model Server as a service on Windows or Linux.

You can register Model Server as service on Windows using the modeld-svc batch file. On Linux, you can register Model Server as a service using the modeld.service configuration file, which leverages the systemctl interface.

Only users with administrative privileges can register and unregister Model Server as a service.

Registering Model Server as a service on Windows

You can register Model Server as a Windows service.

To register Model Server as a Windows Service:

  1. Open a Command Prompt window using the Run As Administrator option.
  2. From the <SERVER_HOME>/bin directory, run the following command:
    modeld-svc.bat -i [-dsmj] [-X] [-D] [<Model Server options>]

    You can use the modeld-svc.bat -? command to view all Model Server options.


    Indicates you want to register Model Server as a Windows service.

    -d <number>
    Enables remote debugging on the specified port number, for example, -d 7777.

    Suspends JVM until a debugger connects. Ignored unless -d is also specified.

    -m <number>
    Sets the heap size, for example, -m 1024M or -m 1G.

    -j <name>
    Loads JVM arguments from the specified custom file specified instead of loading them from jvm.conf.

    Specifies additional JVM options that can be passed to the JVM to overwrite batch file defaults. For example, use -Xss4096k to change the default thread stack size.

    Specifies properties to pass through to the application. For example, use -Dnexj.ajp.port=8509 to set the AJP port to 8509.

    The following Model Server options are supported in the command:


    Model Server options require a space between the option and option value. JVM options do not require a space. Additionally, values that contain a space must be enclosed in quotation marks.

    -c <url>
    Path to the node configuration file, for example, -c <SERVER_HOME>\modeld.conf.

    -n <name>
    Node name, for example, -n node1.

    -o <number>
    Port offset number, for example, -o 100.

    -l <dir>
    Path to the log file directory, for example, -l <SERVER_HOME>\log.

    -C <url>
    Path to the environment file, for example, -C <SERVER_HOME>\workspace\env\envFile.environment.

    -P <url>
    Path to the environment properties file, for example, -P <SERVER_HOME>\workspace\env\ If you want to issue the -P command, ensure that an environment file exists and has been specified using the -C command.

    -M <url>
    Path to the metadata directory, for example, -M <SERVER_HOME>\workspace\meta.

You have registered Model Server as a Windows service.

You can start the Services Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to verify that Model Server is registered as a service.

Registering Model Server as a service on Linux

You can register Model Server by specifying the server location in the modeld.service configuration file, copying the configuration file to the appropriate location, and running a command to register the server as a service.

The modeld.service configuration file contains the default arguments required for running Model Server as a Linux service. Before running the service, you can edit the modeld.service configuration file to add any required JVM arguments and parameters.

To register Model Server as a service:

  1. Navigate to <SERVER_HOME>/bin.
  2. Open the modeld.service file in a text editor.
  3. Modify the Environment=MODELD_HOME variable to point to <SERVER_HOME> directory. For example, change the variable to Environment=MODELD_HOME=/opt/nexj/modeld.
  4. Save and close the modeld.service file.
  5. Copy the modeld.service file to /etc/systemd/system/.
  6. From the terminal, run the following command to register the server as a service:
    systemctl enable modeld


    You can use the following command to disable the server as a service:
    systemctl disable modeld

  7. Use the following command to start the service:
    systemctl start modeld


    You can use the following command to stop the service:
    systemctl stop modeld

You have registered Model Server as a service.

Unregistering Model Server as a service

To unregister Model Server as a service:

  • On Windows, run the following command from the <SERVER_HOME>/bin directory:
    modeld-svc.bat -u [-s]
    where -u indicates that you want to uninstall Model Server as a Windows service and -s specifies the name provided when the server was registered as a Windows service.
  • On Linux, delete the service file from /etc/systemd/system/ and run the systemctl daemon-reload command from the terminal.
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