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Using Data Bridge performance statistics

Data Bridge produces a number of performance statistics that can be used to monitor the system activity and the performance of data publishing processes. The most useful statistics are visualized as charts in the Data Bridge Monitoring Dashboard. For more information about the Monitoring Dashboard, see Monitoring the performance of real-time streaming exports and snapshots.

In addition, the following advanced metrics are being tracked by the system in order to help in troubleshooting when a performance-related issue is suspected. To view these statistics, navigate to the Statistics page in Data Bridge System Admin Console, expand the following nodes in the tree: nexj.bridge > <cluster or node name> > BridgeBatch > <CSV, JSON, or Kafka node>, and select a batch export in the details area on the right.

The most effective way to access these statistics is to query the Data Bridge SQL database. For example, using:

SELECT * FROM brg.dbo.BRGStat where attribute = 'CSV Transformation time (ms)'


Read time (ms)

Time taken to read data from NexJ CRM

JSON transformation time (ms)

Time taken to transform data into JSON format

CSV transformation time (ms)

Time taken to transform data into CSV format

Kafka transformation time (ms)

Time taken to transform data into Kafka JSON/Avro format

JSON publishing time (ms)

Time taken to write to a JSON file

CSV publishing time (ms)

Time taken to write to a CSV file

Kafka publishing time (ms)

Time taken to publish messages to a Kafka cluster

Reviewing performance statistics for Kafka exports

You can review the performance metrics for Kafka exports in Data Bridge System Admin Console by navigating to the Statistics page and expanding the following nodes in the tree: nexj.bridge > <cluster or node name> > Bridge > Batch. Select a batch export to view the Kafka statistics in the details area on the right. To see a more detailed description of a statistic, hover your cursor over the related attribute's name. To refresh the list in the Statistics area or the statistics in the details area, click the corresponding Refresh button

at the top of the area.

You can also review the connection pool statistics for the bireport.KafkaSender from the Statistics page by selecting nexj.bridge > <cluster or node name> > Channel > Kafka > bireport.KafkaSender to expand the nodes in the tree, and selecting Sender.

Monitoring the performance of real-time streaming exports and snapshots

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