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Data Bridge 3.x overview

NexJ Data Bridge orchestrates near real-time packaging and delivery of data from NexJ CRM to external data consumers. Data Bridge offers powerful data processing capabilities that support the creation of specific data views for individual data warehouses, reporting systems, and back-office compliance and archiving solutions. Data Bridge provides flexible data publishing and event streaming capabilities.

Feature highlights

  • Helps minimize upfront development and configuration efforts
  • Increases resiliency by off-loading data publishing processes from CRM onto a dedicated server
  • Enables extraction of CRM data through run-time configurable data views
  • Supports industry-standard protocols and formats
  • Provides an out-of-the-box monitoring framework and UI
  • Lowers the risk of CRM upgrades and releases by modularizing asynchronous data processing from the CRM application service

Public Cloud platform support

Currently, NexJ does not test the Data Bridge on public Cloud providers such as AWS or Azure. That said, these Cloud providers do provide the infrastructure required to run the Data Bridge and we are not aware of any restrictions preventing the product from running on these services.

Standard solution components for NexJ CRM and Data Bridge

Data Bridge integrates with NexJ CRM using REST and model services APIs. Data Bridge requires:

  • A web server, an application server (NexJ Server), and a relational database
  • A one-time deployment of NexJ Data Bridge Adapter for NexJ CRM
  • Access to a shared file system or Network-attached storage server (NAS), which may have the same volume as used by NexJ CRM or a different volume

The following diagram shows the standard solution components for NexJ CRM and Data Bridge 3.x.

Standard solution components for NexJ CRM and Data Bridge 3.x

Data Bridge logical architecture

The following diagram shows the Data Bridge 3.x logical architecture.

Data Bridge 3.x logical architecture

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