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Using JasperReports

The JasperReports Library is an open source reporting engine used to transform dynamic content into page-oriented, ready-to-print documents. It can convert incoming data to visual reports that can be output to the following supported file formats: PDF, HTML, RTF, XLS, CSV, and XML.

JasperReports organizes and generates data using an XML file format (JRXML) and can retrieve data from relational databases, collections, arrays of Java objects, or XML files. NexJ Model Engine extends JasperReports functionality to query directly against a NexJ CRM business model.

Jaspersoft Studio Professional is a visual editor used to design complex reports. Jaspersoft Studio Professional can incorporate the NexJ Solutions business model into report templates.


For detailed information about using Jaspersoft Studio, see the TIBCO Jaspersoft community documentation at: Opens in new window.