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Booking options

The booking option for an event or event leg determines how users, such as sales representatives, book meetings in the event or event leg.

Event coordinators select a booking option when they create or edit an event or event leg. There are two booking options available:

Users book meetings with investors by submitting meeting requests for event meetings. Request approvers then accept or reject the meeting requests.

Free Booking
Users can create event meetings and add attendees to existing meetings without needing approval from a request approver.

When an event coordinator creates an event, the booking option they select determines the default booking option for the event legs. When the event coordinator creates an event leg, they can change the booking option for the leg. This is useful when legs have different booking requirements. For example, if an event leg is expected to have high attendance, select the Allocation booking option to have greater control over meeting attendance for the leg.


Changing the booking option for an event in which event legs have already been created does not affect the booking option for existing legs.