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Managing access to queries

By default, no privilege groups have access to a new system defined query. You must add privilege groups to the query to make them accessible in NexJ CRM.

To add or remove privilege groups:

  1. Navigate to the Filters page.
  2. In the Predefined Filters tab, select the system defined query you want to change the privilege groups of from the list. The privilege groups currently allowed to access the query appear in the Privilege Groups area.
  3. Click the Select button 
     in the Privilege Groups area. 
    The Select Privilege Group dialog opens.
  4. Add or remove privilege groups by selecting them from the list of available groups on the left side of the dialog and clicking Add or Remove. Privilege groups that are currently allowed access to the query populate the list on the right side of the dialog.
  5. Click OKThe Select Privilege Group dialog closes.

The system defined query is now visible to the appropriate privilege groups in NexJ CRM.

Adding system defined queries
Editing system defined queries

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