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New features delivered in 21.12

The following features and enhancements were included as part of 21.12.

NexJ CRM user experience enhancements

This release includes the following enhancements to the user experience.

Filter usability improvements

The following filter usability improvements have been made (AFL-6000):

  • You can now dismiss a filter selection dialog by clicking anywhere on the screen outside the dialog, in addition to dismissing a dialog by clicking Cancel.
  • When you click on a filter chip to open a selection dialog, the filter chip to which the dialog applies is highlighted by displaying a border in an accent color.
  • When you click on a filter chip, the selection dialog is displayed directly below the chip to which it applies, instead of being displayed in the middle of the screen.
  • Some selection dialogs include filter chips, which can open an additional selection dialog. For example, the Select an entity filter dialog includes a City filter chip. If you click on the nested filter chip, the dialog that opens now displays over the original filter dialog. You can click Back on the nested dialog to return to the original dialog without applying your changes.
  • The selection dialogs are now more compact, because the operator and the value have been moved to the same line where possible.

For more information, see "Searching and filtering in NexJ CRM" in the end-user documentation.

Customize workspace tabs for configuring rules and business processes

Application administrators can view and configure rules and business processes using the new tabs provided on the Customize workspace (AFL-2607).

  • Rules specify the criteria for when an action, such as sending a notification, is triggered. Use rules to automate simple tasks or to send notifications and alerts.  Use the new Rules tab to view, activate, and deactivate rules. Click the Manage Rules button
    to open the Manage Rules application in a new tab. You can use the Manage Rules application to create, edit, or delete rules.
  • Business processes are workflows that consist of one or more approval steps and an optional form, used to record and update information about clients. Use the new Business Processes tab to view, activate, and deactivate business process templates. Click the Manage Business Processes button
    to open the Manage Business Processes application in a new tab. You can use the Manage Business Processes application to create, edit, or delete business process templates.

For more information, see "Rules" and "Business process templates" in the application administration documentation.

Automatically discover interests and life events

Insights is a product in the NexJ Nudge-AI suite.

Insights enhances the client experience and increases advisor productivity by automatically discovering and logging client interests and life events from notes. It automatically parses unstructured text stored in the notes to find new information, and helps advisors better understand their clients (INS-1 and INS-2).

If both Insights and Inform are enabled in your deployment of NexJ CRM, you can navigate to the Inform tab and see the articles generated based on the interests discovered by Insights in the contact's notes, as well as interests manually added by advisors. You can use the Inform tab to manage both automatically discovered and manually added interests. All interests can be added, deleted, and enabled or disabled for a specific search.

For more information, see "Inform" and "Adding notes" topics in end user documentation.

If both Insights and Engage are enabled in your deployment, you can see Product Opportunity nudges based on life events discovered by Insights in the contact's notes, as well as nudges based on information included in the contact's profile. These nudges are displayed in the Nudges card on the Home workspace and the Nudges workspace, and can be treated similarly to other nudges. You can snooze the nudge, create related activities such as tasks or emails, or you can acknowledge the nudge to dismiss it.

For more information, see the "Engage" and "Adding notes" topics in end user documentation.

Enhancements for Cloud-deployed environments

This release includes the following enhancements for Cloud-deployed environments.

You can seed system configuration data, which is necessary for the application to operate (for example, users, contacts, households, and custom fields), into NexJ CRM for Cloud-deployment environments (ECRM-30678).

For more information, see Exporting and importing application settings using JSON.

Reporting enhancements

This release includes the following enhancements to the ad hoc reporting functionality.

As of 21.12, you can also report on Campaigns and Households subject areas (CDM-4497 and CDM-4498).

For more information, see "Ad hoc reports" in the end-user documentation.

Campaigns enhancements

Campaign workflows are used to associate each participant status in a campaign with actions that will be automatically performed when a participant is assigned that status. This release includes the following enhancements to the campaign workflow functionality:

  • You can now create workflow templates using the Campaigns tab on the Customize workspace. Creating a workflow template simplifies the process by allowing end users to load a predefined template instead of defining each status individually for every new campaign. After a template is loaded, the end user can customize the workflow as appropriate (AFL-6740).
  • Previously, the only actions that could be associated with a participant status in a workflow included creating a task, creating a meeting, creating an opportunity, and sending an email. Starting with this release, you can also associate the "print document" action with a participant status (AFL-6844).

For more information, see "Campaigns" in the end-user documentation and "Campaign workflow templates" in administrator documentation.

Application development enhancements

This release includes the following enhancements to application development functionality.

Support for en_US locale

By default, NexJ CRM uses the en locale, which displays dates in the Canadian format (day/month/year). You can now choose to enable the new en_US locale to be able to display dates in the US format (month/day/year). This will allow users to select either Canadian or US English locales in the User Preferences dialog. This feature is not enabled by default (AFL-6455).

For more information, see Enabling en_US language support.

Custom sizing and positioning of NexJ CRM dialogs

By default, NexJ dialogs try to maximize the usage of available screen space. Disabling this behavior is now supported by adding a query string parameter to the target URL (AFL-6833).

For more information, see Custom sizing and positioning of NexJ CRM dialogs.

Security enhancements

This release includes the following security enhancements (ECRM-31010):

  • The dom4j library has been upgraded to version 2.1.3 (released on April 12, 2020).
  • The tomcat-coyote and tomcat-util libraries have been upgraded to 8.5.69 (released by Apache Software Foundation on July 5, 2021).
  • The Pdfbox library has been upgraded with security updates from version 2.0.15 (released by the Apache Software Foundation on April 11, 2019).

Technology enhancements

The following enhancements have been made for application development and to expand browser support.

Support for Microsoft Edge web browser

NexJ CRM version 21.12 supports using the Microsoft Edge web browser for the NexJ CRM desktop application (AFL-6013).

For more information, see Certified configurations, supported platforms, and hardware and software requirements.

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