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New features delivered in 3.5.0

The following features and enhancements were included as part of 3.5.0.

User experience enhancements

This release includes the following enhancements to the user experience. For more information, see Using Data Bridge.

New tabs in Global Settings workspace

The Global Settings workspace UI includes tabs for an improved user experience (DATABRIDGE-739).

Logged in user banner

The banner for Data Bridge includes the name of the user who is logged in (DATABRIDGE-1038).

Error handling enhancements

The retry behavior for failed transactions has been fine-tuned to improve error handling (DATABRIDGE-891).

For more information, see Error handling of failed CRM event notifications from the NexJ CRM Data Bridge Adapter and Error handling when retrieving CRM data from Data Bridge.

Privilege model enhancements

NexJ has enabled a more fine-grained access to Data Bridge functionality by providing privilege groups, and privileges assigned to them, in Data Bridge Admin Console at https://[host]/nexj/Admin.html (DATABRIDGE-1003). In addition to the Data Bridge Administrator privilege group that was already available, View Manager, Data Publisher and Data Monitor privilege groups were introduced.

For more information, see Data Bridge privilege groups and privileges.

Security enhancements

The environment configuration template has been updated to support advanced authentication methods for securing the Data Bridge server. Specifically, it is now possible to enable OAuth authentication for the Data Bridge UI (DATABRIDGE-971).

For more information, see Data Bridge 3.5.x deployment.

Monitoring enhancements

This release includes the following monitoring enhancements.

Monitoring Dashboard updates

Minor updates were made to the charts included in the Monitoring Dashboard in order to better align the reported statistics with the data available on History page for each view. As of Data Bridge 3.5.0, the Export Time graphs have been renamed to Processing Time graphs in the Monitoring Dashboard, and a new Snapshot time graph has been added (DATABRIDGE-687).

For more information, see Monitoring the performance of real-time streaming exports and snapshots

Additional diagnostic performance stats

In addition to the activity and performance metrics that are visualized in the Monitoring Dashboard in Data Bridge, new advanced statistics are now generated by the system to help in troubleshooting when a performance-related issue is suspected (DATABRIDGE-998).

For more information, see Using Data Bridge performance statistics.

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