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Upgrading to NexJ CRM version 9.4

For assistance to upgrade from a previous version of NexJ CRM to NexJ CRM version 9.3, contact your NexJ representative.

Upgrading from NexJ CRM version 9.3 to NexJ CRM version 9.4

Before upgrading, you must update the environment files, back up and update the application servers, and back up and upgrade the databases for your deployment. Also ensure that you have upgraded your metadata model. For more, see Upgrading models.

NexJ strongly recommends clearing or truncating the NJSession table for any upgrade that requires a reseed. 

As a best practice, NexJ also recommends that you upgrade the push redirector to match your application framework version when you upgrade the application.

To upgrade to NexJ CRM version 9.4:

  1. Before upgrading NexJ CRM, you must upgrade NexJ Studio or Eclipse and install the new plugin.  For more information, see Setting up NexJ Studio.
  2. If you use Apache Ant to deploy your application, ensure that you are using Apache Ant 1.10.5 and that the ANT_HOME variable in the System Variables list is set to the correct Ant folder.
  3. As of NexJ CRM version 9.4, the Object Queue SQL hook (ObjectQueueHook) has been moved to metadata and is no longer defined in the environment file.  If you previously defined the hook in the environment file, then it must be removed or an exception will be thrown at application startup. To turn off the hook, configure the ObjectQueueDatabase data source connection with the following:

    <SQLHook activation="context" type="nexj.core.persistence.sql.ObjectQueueHook">
            <Property name="enabled">false</Property>

    To avoid inadvertently overriding the ObjectQueueHook, adding an independent SQL hook in the environment file for the ObjectQueueDatabase is discouraged.

  4. Push redirector configuration is required for reminders and notifications. If you have not configured push redirector, configure it. For more information, see Push server configuration.

  5. If you are using Microsoft SQL Server, copy the jtds-1.2.2-9.jar database driver file from the < NEXJ_PLUGIN>\ext folder to your project's lib directory. Ensure that any references to jTDS location or version in your environment or properties files have been updated.
  6. Update the environment file or the server and connections files with any other changes required to support new functionality. For more information, see Connection and attribute updates for version 9.4.
  7. Back up application server files.
  8. Back up all databases.
  9. Upgrade all databases.
  10. Upgrade the application servers.
  11. Deploy the application.

  12. Start the application and verify that it has deployed successfully.

After completing these steps, you can now run NexJ CRM version 9.4.

Connection and attribute updates for version 9.4

When you upgrade to NexJ CRM version 9.4, you must update the environment file or the connections file for your deployment to reflect new structures and support new functionality.

After updating the environment file, use the Database Schema Tool in NexJ Studio to issue the create command for your data sources. This generates the appropriate SQL scripts that should be provided to your database administrator.

In a test or development environment, you can use the Data Load Tool in NexJ Studio to issue the recreate command for your data sources. To execute this command, you must have the appropriate security and permissions configured on the database.

Consult with your development team to confirm whether additional customized channels have been added to your project.

Inform updates

To enable the optional Inform functionality, add the following data source:

  • <DataSource name="inform:Inform"/>

And then add the following channels:

  • <HTTPConnection channel="inform:ArticleSearch" trust="<certificate>" url="<url_provided_by_Grapevine6>"/>
  • <HTTPConnection authentication="basic" channel="inform:RelatedObject" password="<password>" trust="<certificate>" url="<url>" user="informUser"/>

For more information, see Deploying Inform.

Push redirector updates

Add the new pollPeriod="300000" attribute to the root Environment element.

For more information, see Configuring push notification.

OpenAPI updates

Add the following channels:

  • <HTTPConnection channel="rest:OpenAPI"/>
  • <HTTPConnection channel="rest:REST"/>
  • <HTTPConnection channel="rest:SelectionOptions"/>

Add then following attributes to the root Environment element:

  • rest.configMetadata="CRMRestAPIConfig"
  • rest.schemaBase="CRMSchemaBaseJSON"
  • rest.version="1.0.0"

MailConnection channel updates

Add the following attributes to the MailConnection channel:

  • outReadTimeout="60000"
  • outWriteTimeout="60000"

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