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Editing contacts

The contact profile can include unlimited addresses, telephone numbers, user coverage, custom fields, and categories. These fields will vary depending on the type of contact, so certain fields will not appear in some profiles.

If a contact has a business process is in progress, the Locked by Business Process badge displays in the contact banner. You can add activities to a locked contact but cannot edit other contact details.

To edit a contact's profile:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Select the contact you want to edit.
    The selected contact's profile opens.
  3. In the contact banner, click Edit.
    The Edit dialog opens.
  4. Edit the details as desired and click OK.

The Edit dialog closes and the contact's details are updated.

Adding contact pictures

Adding a photograph of a contact to his or her profile helps to personalize the record.

To add a contact picture:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Select the contact you want to add a picture to.
  3. Click Edit in the contact banner.
    The Edit dialog opens.
  4. In the contact picture zone, select Click to set picture .
  5. Click Browse , browse through your local files, select a picture file of the contact (.jpg, .png, .bmp, or .gif), and click Open to set the contact's picture on their profile.
  6. Click OK.

The image appears in the contact's profile.

Removing contact pictures

If you no longer want to display a picture of a contact in his or her profile, you can remove it.

To remove a contact picture:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Select the contact you want to remove a picture from.
    The selected contact's profile opens.
  3. In the contact banner, click Edit.
    The Edit dialog opens.
  4. In the contact picture zone, right-click the current picture and select Delete.
    The picture is removed from the set picture area.
  5. Click OK.

The Edit dialog closes and the picture is removed from the contact's profile.

Adding notes

Use the Notes tab in the contact Detail tab to enter or browse notes about the contact. Entering and saving a note creates a Note activity for the contact. Notes are listed in reverse chronological order by default.

To add a note:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Select the contact you want to add a note to.
    The selected contact's profile opens.
  3. In the Detail tab, click the Notes tab.
  4. Type the note in the text field and click Save.

Pinning notes to quickly reference them

You can pin important notes to quickly reference them at the top of the list of notes for a contact.

To pin a note for a contact:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Select the required contact.
    The selected contact's profile opens.
  3. Navigate to the Notes subtab in the Detail tab on the Contacts workspace for the contact.
  4. In the note you would like to reference, click Pin in the bottom right of the note.

    If you choose to pin multiple notes, they are displayed in the notes list based on the creation date of the note. The notes list is ordered by descending dates.

Your pinned note moves to the top of the list of notes.

To unpin a note and return it to its original position, click Unpin .

Docking notes sections

If you need to access notes for a contact frequently, you can dock the contact's notes section on to the navigation toolbar and easily return to it later.

To dock the notes section for a contact:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Select the required contact.
    The selected contact's profile opens.
  3. In the Detail tab, click Dock All Notes beside Save.

The docked notes section appears as a tab in the navigation toolbar. You can click on the tab to view the notes section, where you can also add new notes, edit them, and pin them.

Managing business processes