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Question types

Question types specify how questions are displayed and how answers are entered or selected.

A question can be one of the following types:

Creates a selection field in which the user can add an attachment. This is useful when you want to provide the user with a way to include files related to the business process or call script. For example, you might want the user to attach a scanned image of a client's driver's license.

This question type is not available for global properties.

Answers for this question type cannot be bound to a contact, company, or opportunity record field, nor can they be used to populate merge field documents.

Creates a checkbox that the user can select. Each Checkbox question represents one selectable option. To provide multiple options, you must create multiple Checkbox questions. This type is typically used in conjunction with a Label question, where the Label acts as a heading, and each subsequent Checkbox is an option that can be selected.

Creates a text field in which the user can enter a numeric currency value. For example, 10.99.

If you want to display a currency symbol, enter it in the Label field. For example, to display a dollar symbol to the left of the answer field, enter $ in the Label field.

Date Selection
Creates a field in which the user can select a date from a calendar, or enter a date in the form of MMM DD, YYYY. For example, Jan 01, 2016.

Date Time Selection
Creates two fields in which the user can select a date and time, or enter a date and time in the form of MMM DD, YYYY and hh:mm AM/PM. For example, Jan 01, 2016 and 12:00 AM.

Drop-down Selection
Creates a drop-down field in which the user can select an answer from a menu. When you add a Dropdown Selection question, you specify the answers that the user can choose from. You can create the answers manually, or populate them from a UI field or enumeration. You can also add conditional text for each answer, which displays below the answer when it is selected.

Drop-down Selection questions allow you to select only one answer from the specified options. If you need to create a question in which multiple options can be selected, use Checkbox questions instead.

Creates a text field in which the user can enter a number with no decimal places. The number can be positive or negative, and can contain up to 9 characters. Only numbers and the negative sign can be entered. For example, 10 or -10.

Creates a label that does not have an answer field. This question type is typically used as a heading for a group of questions, or to create a prompt for a user that does not require an answer.

When you add a Label question, the Label field in the Add Question and Edit Question dialog is disabled because this type does not have an answer field to display a label beside.

This question type is not available for global properties.

Multi-line Text
Creates a text field in which the user can enter multiple lines of text. The answer can include letters, numbers, spaces, symbols, and line breaks. This type is used for long answers or for answers where line spacing needs to be maintained, such as addresses and instructions.

Creates a text field in which the user can enter a number with or without decimal places. The number can be positive or negative, and can contain up to 15 characters. Only numbers, a decimal point, and the negative sign can be entered. For example, 10, 10.1, or -10.1.

Object Selection
Creates a field in which the user can select an object from the database. When you add an Object Selection question, you bind it to a field from a contact, KYC, company, or opportunity record. The field that you bind it to determines the type of object that can be selected. For example, you might want the user to select a contact as a joint account holder, so you create an Object Selection question called Joint Account Holder, and bind it to the Contact field.

Radio Button
Creates a set of radio buttons from which the user can select an answer. When you add a Radio Button question, you specify the answers that the user can choose from. You can create the answers manually, or populate them from a UI field or enumeration. You can also add conditional text for each answer, which is displayed below the answer when it is selected.

Radio Button questions allow you to select only one answer from the specified options. If you need to create a question in which multiple options can be selected, use Checkbox questions instead.

When you add a Radio Button question, the Label field in the Add Question and Edit Question dialog is disabled because this type instead displays a label beside each answer option.

Single-line Text
Creates a text field in which the user can enter only a single line of text. The answer can include letters, numbers, spaces, and symbols, and can contain up to 255 characters including spaces.

Adding questions