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Tokens for business process templates

You can use tokens to include values from contact, company, and opportunity fields in business processes templates.

Tokens for contacts

The following table lists and describes the tokens that you can use to include values from contacts.

${affix}A name suffix for the contact that provides additional information about a contact; for example, their educational degree, such as PhD
${businessAddress name}Business address for the contact
${companyName}Name of the company where the contact works
${dear}Salutation for the contact
${defaultAddress name}Preferred address for the contact
${defaultLang}Preferred language for the contact
${defaultTelcomAddress}Preferred communication method for the contact
${departmentName}Department name for the contact
${entityStatus}Status of the contact
${firstName}First name of the contact
${fullName}Full name of the contact
${genderCode}Gender of the contact
${goesBy}Preferred name of the contact
${homeAddress name}Home address for the contact
${household lastName}Household that the contact is associated with
${initials}Initials of the contact
${lastName}Last name of the contact
${mailToAddress name}Mailing address of the contact
${notes}Bio field text for the contact record
${position}Position of the contact
${serviceLevel}Service level for the contact
${shipToAddress name}Shipping address for the contact
${ssn}Social Security number or Social Insurance Number for the contact
${tier}Property assigned to the contact that determines the kind of service plan they will receive
${title}Title of the contact

Tokens for companies

The following table lists and describes the tokens that you can use to include values from companies.

${company lastName}Name of a parent company
${defaultAddress name}Preferred address for a company
${defaultTelcomAddress}Preferred communication method for a company
${entityStatus}Status of a company
${household lastName}Household that a company is associated with
${lastName}Name of a company
${notes}Bio field text for a company
${tier}Property assigned to a company that determines the kind of service plan they will receive

Tokens for opportunities

The following table lists and describes the tokens that you can use to include values from opportunities.

${outcome}Outcome of an opportunity
${primaryEntity firstName}The first name of the primary entity belonging to a business process
${primaryEntity lastName}The last name of the primary entity belonging to a business process
${reason}Reason for an outcome of an opportunity
${stage}Stage of an opportunity
${title}Title of an opportunity